This Scottish immigrant became a leader in the steel industry by utilizing vertical integration.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
This law prohibited further immigration to the United States by Chinese laborers.
What is the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act?
This New York City political machine, led by Boss Tweed, controlled city politics through corruption.
What is Tammany Hall?
This 1862 act offered 160 acres of public land free to any family that settled on it for five years.
What is the Homestead Act?
This philosophy applied the concept of "survival of the fittest" to the marketplace and justified the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few
What is Social Darwinism?
This railroad tycoon merged local lines to form the New York Central Railroad, connecting New York City to Chicago
Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt?
This act, passed in 1890, was meant to prohibit monopolies and restraints of trade, but was initially ineffective
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?
Opened in 1892, this New York immigration station processed millions of European immigrants.
What is Ellis Island?
This political party, supported by farmers and laborers, called for free silver and railroad regulation.
What is the Populist Party?
The Populist party platform was drafted at this city.
What is Omaha, NE?
This businessman founded Standard Oil and controlled 90 percent of the oil refinery business
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
The federal government provided these to railroad companies in the form of loans and land grants to encourage western expansion.
What are subsidies?
Immigrants often settled in these areas of cities, named after their home countries, such as Little Italy and Chinatown.
What are ethnic enclaves?
This historian argued that the frontier, not the Atlantic coast, was the primary force shaping American character
This violent labor conflict in 1892 at a Carnegie steel plant, involved a lockout and strikebreakers, setting back the union movement in the steel industry
What is the Homestead Strike?
This term describes a large business combination that dominates an industry, often seen as anti-competitive.
What is a trust?
This 1887 act aimed to break up tribal organizations by dividing tribal lands into individual plots, designed to encourage American Indians to become "civilized."
What is the Dawes Severalty Act?
Many immigrants lived in these overcrowded, poorly built apartment buildings in cities.
What are tenements?
This tragic event in December 1890 marked the end of the Indian Wars on the Great Plains.
What is the Wounded Knee Massacre?
This economic theory, advocating minimal government intervention in business, was favored by many industrialists in the late 19th century
What is laissez-faire capitalism?
This financier helped stabilize the economy by bailing out the U.S. Treasury during the Panic of 1893 and later formed General Electric.
This 1886 federal act aimed to regulate railroad rates and set up the first federal regulatory agency.
What is the Interstate Commerce Act?
This U.S. president was assassinated in 1881 by a disgruntled office seeker, leading to civil service reform.
Who is James A. Garfield?
The year that the American Frontier was deemed closed.
This Supreme Court case upheld a Louisiana law requiring "separate but equal accommodations" for white and black passengers on railroads in 1896.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?