This is why this time period is called the "Gilded Age"
Growing economy and super rich Americans made everything seem "golden" on the outside, but the reality was that many working class Americans were dirt poor and treated like industrial slaves
The first major industry in America. It was often abused and controlled by corruption of businessmen and politicians, but it carried America forward through the industrial Revolution.
What are the Railroads
An organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests
What is a Union
The main occupation of most people who immigrated to the U.S. after the industrial revolution
Factory Jobs
This cartoon is of the famous leader of the Tammany Hall Political Machine. What is his name and who drew the cartoon?
What is William "Boss" Tweed and Thomas Nast
The most famous corrupt party boss of the famous "Tammany Hall" political machine
Who is "Boss" Tweed
If you thought the major Industrialists of the time were great entrepreneurs who made America and economic powerhouse you would view them as _____________. If you thought these men where no goods who treated their workers terribly and stole from the government and everyone else you would call them _______________.
What is Captains of Industry and Robber Barrons
This enormous construction project connected America unlike ever before and spurred Westward movement and settlement.
Transcontinental Railroad
Refers to the political movement of mostly farmers (and eventually factory workers) who demanded government reforms in the late 19th century.
Populist Party
Many "old immigrants" did this better than "new immigrants" because they were already more similar to the average American.
The Cities grew so fast because of these two groups coming to the cities
What is poor American farmers & immigrants
This man attempted to expose corruption by drawing some of the first "political cartoons"
What is Thomas Nast
She was one of the first self made women of extreme wealth in America, which was even more exceptional considering she was also black in a time where black women had little opportunity.
Madam CJ Walker
Act that allowed a settler to acquire as much as 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years and improving it.
Homestead Act
Samuel Gompers was the leader of this famous Union for skilled laborers that became the largest Union in America by 1900
What is the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Many "new immigrants" were from here and once they came to America they all settled in certain areas called this
What is eastern and southern Europe and "ethnic neighborhoods"
Cities became overcrowded and had to build up using this which made this man one of the richest men to ever live
What is steel. Carnegie
What/Who is being represented in the cartoon and what is it saying?
What is Standard Oil/Rockefeller. First Trust and it controlled government and everything else
The system in place during the Gilded Age, where many government jobs were handed out to supporters of political campaigns or through nepotism.
Spoils System
Whew Whew Whew
This law passed by Congress in 1890 was designed to combat the monopolies that were running rampant in American business.
This act was used to breakup Standard Oil.
WHew Whew Whew Daily Double
What is being shown here and why did they do this?
Name of the Act?
Factory owner George Pullman created these in which everything his employees needed was owned and controlled by the company itself. It eventually blew up in his face when he raised the prices of everything.
What is a 'Company Town"
"Old Immigrants" were mainly from here
What is Western and Northern Europe
England, Ireland, Scandinavia, Germany
These began being built in industrial cities in response to the poor mental health and environmental concerns of the newly industrialized cities and their residents as an "escape"
What is Parks
Who is represented in the Cartoon
The informal political groups who controlled elections in the growing cities of the time by controlling the poor and immigrant population through bribery and threats.
What is a Political Machine
Rail= Steel= Oil= Finance & modern banking= making steel faster & cheaper =
What is Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Bessemer
Belief that native born white Americans were superior to immigrants.
What is Nativism
This man was considered the first leader of the Socialist Party of America, and he created the American Railway Union
Eugene Debbs
Most European immigrants arrived in America through this island while most Asian immigrants arrived through this island
What is Ellis island = Europe and Angel Island =Asian
Name 3 reasons other than jobs that people moved to the cities
What is running water, electricity, leisure activities, such as museums and theatre etc..
What one word could describe this cartoon during the gilded age
Applied the theory of evolution and natural selection to human society. Argued that society progressed and became better because only the “fittest” were successful.
Social Darwinism
"invented" the light bulb and the phonograph =
Invented the Telephone =
Famous inventor who revolutionized electricity, harnessing AC over DC =
Barred Chinese immigration for 10 years and prevented those already in U.S. from citizenship
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act
Name 4 distinct problems that came with the rapid growth of cities
Who is represented in this cartoon and what is the toon about?
This act created the civil service in America as we know it. This act stated that those in power could not simply appoint their "buddies" to government jobs. These people now had to be qualified for those positions.
What is the Pendleton Act
This man became famous for his "Cross of Gold" speech which brought the Populists over to the Democratic Party.
William Jennings Bryan
Was negotiated by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908 with the Japanese government. The Japanese agreed to limit immigration, and Roosevelt convinced San Fran to stop the segregation.
The Gentleman's Agreement
She created the first inner-city social welfare system called Hull House for the poor in Chicago to provide social and educational opportunities, She helped "Americanize" the immigrants
Who is Jane Adams
Who is it and what is the Cartoon Saying?
JP Morgan. He controls all kinds of different businesses and industries