The main goal of the Reconstruction
What is to unite the country?
The Gilded Age time period
When were 1880s-1890s
A ruthlessly powerful capitalist who became wealthy through exploitation
Who are Robber Barons
To become part of the dominant culture
What is to Assimilate?
Key invention that allowed goods to be quickly transported throughout the country
What is a Steam locomotive?
Unfair systems made to keep newly freedmen from voting
What were Black Codes?
a legal arrangement that allows someone to transfer assets to another person or entity for the benefit of a third party
What is a trust?
Had a Monopoly over the steel industry
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
Group of Immigrants who came to the U.S. to avoid famine during the Gilded Age
Who are Irish Immigrants?
group of workers that would officially be banned from working in 1938
Who were child laborers?
This Amendment gave voting rights to all men
What is the 15th Amendment
These were formed to demand better pay, benefits, and conditions for workers
What are Labor Unions?
Industrialist known for oil
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
The people coming to the U.S. to find work
Who are Immigrant workers?
A legal document that gives an inventor the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention
What is a Patent?
Amendment that granted citizenship to newly freedmen and stated that you couldn't be denied citizenship because of your race
The Gilded Age is known for a huge divide in these due to the increase of millionaires
An influencial and successful buisnessman who leads a large company of industry.
What is a Captain of Industry?
To keep your culture and identity while becoming part of a new culture
What is to Acculturate?
Mindless way of working that provided many jobs that were often dangerous
What were assebily lines?
The speech delivered by Lincoln stating the country's future goal of ending slavery
What is the Emancipation Proclomation?
An economic system where businesses own and control trade and industry to make profit
What is capitalism?
He played a huge role in the railroad and steamship buisness
Who is Cornelious Vanderbilt?
Act that bannened all Chinese Laborers from immigrating to the U.S.
What was the Chinese Exclusion of 1882?
Inventions that made it easier to communicate long distance
What is the telegraph?