This is the definition of gilded.
Shiny on the outside, rotten on the inside.
This person was the head of Standard Oil.
Who was John D. Rockefeller?
This was the principle of protecting the interests of native-born people above those of immigrants, leading to discrimination and segregation in urban areas.
What was Nativism?
Name at least 2 working conditions laborers had to deal with.
What were low wages, long hours, dangerous working conditions, etc.?
This was an investigative journalist who wrote to expose corruption and sketchy business practices.
What was a muckraker?
This means having exclusive control over a business.
What is a monopoly?
This was created by Henry Ford to mass-produce goods.
What was the assembly line?
Old immigrants came from...
What is North and Western Europe (Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden)?
This was the first major, successful labor union in the United States.
What was the Knights of Labor?
DAILY DOUBLE: This book resulted in the creation of the FDA, the Meat-Inspection Act, and the Pure Food and Drug Act (must get both the title and author to receive double points).
What was the The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?
This was the government's approach to business during the Gilded Age.
What is Laissez-faire hands-off approach?
This was a method used by Carnegie to own every stage in the industrial process from raw materials to transportation of the final product.
What was vertical integration?
New immigrants came from...
What is Southern and Eastern Europe (Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia)?
This was a method used by labor companies to negotiate contracts for their members.
What was collective bargaining?
These laws were the first attempt of the government to regulate unfair business practices by making trusts illegal.
What were the Sherman and Clayton Anti-Trust Acts?
Name at least 2 changes during the Gilded Age
Population growth, urbanization, new industries, new inventions, etc.
This city was famous for its meat-packing industry.
What was Chicago?
This was the movement of African Americans from the South to the West and Northern cities.
What was the Great Migration?
This was the most common, and effective, method used by labor unions.
What were strikes?
Define horizontal integration and name who used this method to become wealthy.
What was the practice of buying out the competition and John D. Rockefeller?
This is a combination of companies that dominate a market.
What is a trust?
This man transformed the steel process to create a more efficient means of production.
Who was Henry Bessemer?
Boss Tweed was the head of Tammany Hall, which was an example of this type of political organization.
Political Machine
This was a replacement worker for laborers on strike.
What was a Scab?
For kicks and giggles, name one of the Progressive Era amendments and what it did.
What was the:
16th Amendment: federal income tax
17th Amendment: direct election of senators
18th Amendment: prohibition of alcohol
19th Amendment: Women’s suffrage