How are units called in Compass?
True or False? : Compass Reading Log is ESL-oriented.
True: Compass Reading Log is ESL-oriented.
True or False? You cannot share files with your students.
True or False? : Compass Language Log is ESL-oriented.
True: Compass Language Log is EFL-oriented.
How do topics start?
With a Big Question
What do you find in the teacher's area?
Open answer.
What resources are available in the Teacher's Guide?
Teaching notes, video and grammar worksheets, glossary, transcripts, flashcards (1-3), word map posters (4-6), classroom games, scope and sequence
How are topics structured?
Topic Opener, Fiction story (with reading comprehension activities), non-fiction text (with reading comprehension activities), making connections
Mention some resources (4, at least) that you are able to find in the platform.
How many lessons does each topic of Compass Language Log have? - Mention them.
Topic overview + 12 lessons per topic:vocab, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, writing, vocab, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, project, glossary
True or False? Compass Reading Log is aligned with the CEFR
True: Compass Reading Log is aligned with the CCSS
What's the difference between the first half of the topic and the other one?
The first one is more focus on fiction context and the second half is non-fiction based.
1st half: vocab is presented in a video and grammar in a comic.
2nd half: vocab is presented in a song and grammar in a non-fiction text.
What is PIRLS and where do Ss get to develop them in the Compass Reading Log?
"Progress in International Reading Literacy Study" Framework: Scaffolded comprehension processes from LOTS to HOTS. They are worked through the comprehension pages.
Name the 4 tabs located at the upper right part of the home page of the platform. Also, explain what their use.
Compass Chat
Spell Blast
Bonding Booklet