How old are giraffes when they reach their full height?
Age 4
True or False
At birth, giraffes are 5 feet tall and 154 pounds.
How many kilograms and pounds can giraffes eat per day?
45 kilograms ( 99 pounds )
How tall can an average female giraffe be??
IDK I didn't say.
What kind of trees do giraffes enjoy eating from?
Acacia trees
How many minutes after birth can babies stand?
30 minutes.
If giraffes tongues are 1.74 feet, how many centimeters are they?
How much can a male giraffe weigh?
4,250 pounds
DOUBLE JEOPARDY answer both correctly for all points, 1 for normal points.
1. About how many years do giraffes live in the wild?
2. How many years have they been known to live in captivity?
1. 15-25 years in the wild.
2. 40 years in captivity.
How many gallons of air can giraffes lungs hold?
12 gallons of air
Double Jeopardy!!!! Answer all 3 questions correct.
1. How long is a females gestation period?
2. How many days in the slide is that?
3. How big is the drop babies encounter at birth?
1. 15 months
2. 453-464 days.
3. 1.5 meters or 4.9 feet
What comparison was used to represent male giraffe height?
Taller than the average 3 adult humans.
Every 24 hours, how many minutes of sleep do giraffes need?
5-30 minutes
About how big are giraffes home ranges?
Anywhere from 8 to 50 square miles.
Double JEOPARDY answer all questions for full points.
1. How long can a giraffes heart be?
2. How much can their heart weigh?
3. How much does a human heart weigh in comparison?
1. 2 feet long
2. 25 pounds
3. 0.44 - 1 pound.
Until what age do giraffes continue gaining weight?
Age 7 or 8
How fast can giraffes run over short distances?
35 mph
How tall can a male giraffe be?
5.5 meters, or 18 feet.
2,600 pounds
To protect them sunburn, what color are giraffes tongues?
What are the groups giraffes live in called and about how many giraffes live in one?
They are called towers and about 15 giraffes live in one.
How long can a giraffes tail be?
8 feet long.
What are the hair covered horns on giraffe heads called and what are they used for?
Ossicones, used for sparring.
A giraffes neck is 6 feet long. How much can they weigh??
600 pounds.