Let's Make a Plan
Gear Me Up
Information Overload
Camp Who
Fiesty Fire
Leave No Trace
Bandana Bonanza
Crazy Cook

The first step to planning a camping trip or hiking adventure is to choose your.....

What is destination?


Would you wear long-sleeve or short-sleeve shirt for the purposes of sun and bugs?

What is long-sleeve shirt?

Latrines are an updated version of an...

What is an outhouse?


This camp has 2 troop houses, a lodge, 3 A-frame sites, 2 platform tent sites, along with 2 lakes.

What is Alice Chester?


Dry sticks of any length but not thicker than a thumb and snaps when you break them are...

What is kindling?


Knowing regulations, preparing for weather and emergencies,  and scheduling your trip to avoid high times of use are examples of this LNT principle. This is also the first principle of LNT

What is Plan Ahead and Prepare?


This use of a bandana is seen everywhere lately to protect you from breathing in things that could possibly be bad for you.

What is a mask?


This meal is perfect for beginners. Girls can learn to make a hot and tasty meal with a minimum of experience and clean up. Advanced campers rely on this for quick clean-up so they can spend more time on other things.

What is One-pot meal?


Research to see if you need to pay to get this piece of paper for your trip

What is a permit?


Type of shoes should you wear camping or hiking

What is hiking boots?


True or False. Feminine hygiene products should be thrown in a latrine.

False. Feminine hygiene products should be placed into a bag and the bag should be replaced daily.


This camp has 2 lodges, 1 set of 9 cabins, 2 platform tent sites and is located in East Troy, WI

What is Potawattami Hills?


Materials that light easily are skinny dry twigs, bark, shavings, and are no thicker than a match are...

What is tinder?


The number of Leave No Trace Principles

What is 7?


If you fold a bandana over multiple times, this can be used for hot pans as a....

What is a potholder?


This meal involves no pots or pans. Simply wrap your meal and place package in hot coals leaving a small hole for steam. Need to use hot mitts and tongs when cooking this meal.

What is Foil Cooking?


A list that plans out the food for your trip

What is a menu?


Type of socks you should bring

What is synthetic or wool socks?


One hot charcoal briquette is how many degrees?

What is 30o?


This camp has 3 troop houses, 1 set of 9 cabins, 3 platform tent sites, 1 pavillion, 1 all camp fire scar, and an outdoor skills building on a lake.

What is Silverbrook?


1 of the 3 types of wood that is the main fuel of a campfire is a..

What is a log?


Why do we use Leave No Trace principles?

What is to help protect the environment and enjoy the outdoors responsibly?


This use of a bandana requires you to use your head...

What is a head scarf?


This is the most popular method of cooking in the outdoors because it is easy and quick, requires little clean-up and it is unique to the outdoors.

What is stick cooking?

Name 3 items necessary for you sleep outdoors on a trip

What is a sleeping bag, pillow, tent?


This specific type of clothing helps keep you dry in humidity, and cold.

What is moisture-wicking or quick drying clothing?


Name a knot that resembles a shape

What is a square knot?


This camp isn't located on a lake, has 2 troop houses, 3 cabin sites, a yurt, and a hut.

What is Winding River?


Poplar, Basswood, Pine, Soft Maple, Aspen, Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock are used for quick hot fires. What type of wood are these trees?

What are softwoods?


Name this principle: Check them out from a distance. Never approach, feed, or follow them

What is respect wildlife?


This use of a bandana allows you to carry objects...

What is a carry-all?


This type of cooking is a flat-bottomed cast iron or aluminum kettle with a close-fitting lid and sturdy handle. It has heavy sides that hold heat evenly for a long period of time. For outdoor cooking, charcoal briquettes are placed on top and bottom of this, with a 2 inch square space between the briquettes, forming a checkerboard pattern. You will use twice as many briquettes on top as you do on the bottom.

What is a dutch oven?


The kind of pack will you use on a hiking adventure

What is a backpack?


Name 3 items that you should pack for rainy and/or cold weather

What is raingear, long underwear, warm insulated jacket or vest, fleece pants, gloves or mittens, or hat?


What should you put under your tent before you set it up?

What is a tarp or a ground cloth?


This camp has 1 troop house, 1 activity station, 1 set of cabins, a woodwork shop, and 2 hiking trails. This camp is not located on a lake, but has a pond. You only need 99 steps at this camp.

What is Chinook?


On a very bright day, you can start a fire with this by focusing the sun's rays into a small brilliant point of light on your tinder. What item do you use for this technique?

What is a magnifying glass or a lens of a pair of thick glasses?


What are 3 examples of things that disrupt the sounds of nature?

What are planes, trains, automobiles, radios, cellphones, motor boats, loud groups, pets, etc?


This use of a bandana is great for cuts and bleeding...

What is an emergency bandage?


Almost anything you bake in an oven can be baked in this. It's a heavy duty box lined with aluminum foil, duct tape on the seams, 2 holes on the side of the box near the bottom. 4 soup cans are used with a rack and a pan is on the bottom of the box that holds 15-20 hot briquettes.

What is a box oven?


This is a plan for how you will use and plan for your trip for things like personal gear, equipment, food, transportation, and permit fees.

What is a budget?


Name 2 things you should bring for sun and bug protection

What is sunscreen, sunglasses, sun hat, lip balm, or insect repellent?


What goes into each of the 3 dishpans when doing dishes outdoors?

First pan is soapy water, 2nd pan is plain water, and 3rd pan contains water with a capful of bleach.


This camp only has 1 troop house with a great hall and a woodwork shop. It is not located on any water.

What is Trefoil Oaks?


Using this item and touching it to the terminals of a 9 volt battery, it will immediately catch fire and you can then use it to light your tinder.

What is steel wool?


Name 3 examples of durable surfaces to walk or camp on

What are rock, gravel, snow, trail, grass?


This use of a bandana marks where you came from....

What is a trail marker?


Corrugated cardboard is cut into strips the same width at the height of the tuna can, rolled and placed in can and used as a wick. Instead of cardboard, wood shavings can also be used, with birthday candles as a wick. Hot wax is poured over the cardboard or shavings. This serves as a candle to provide heat for the stove.

What is a buddy burner?


This contains treatments for burns, cuts, blisters, etc.

What is a first aid kit?


Name 3 things you should pack for your campsite

What is a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, travel pillow, flashlight, camp chairs, or lantern?


When setting up a tent, should you drive the stakes into the ground before or after popping the tent up?

You should drive the stakes in before popping your tent up.


At this camp, you can go rock climbing, fishing, canoeing, swimming, stand up paddleboarding, archery, hatchet throwing, and play sports in a huge field.

What is Alice Chester?


What type of fire represents a letter of the alphabet?

What is an A-frame?


When backpacking in an area with no clean water your should carry this

What is a water filter or water purification system?


This use of a bandana protects you from the ground..

What is a sit-upon?


A 10 lb. can that has a door on the side of the can. 3 or 4 holes are in the backside of the can by a can opener, that are used as a chimney, letting the smoke come out during the cooking process. A buddy burner is lit and placed under the can. Cooking is done on the top of the can (great for grilled cheese, french toast, garlic bread, etc.)

What is a Vagabond Stove or Tin Can Stove?


This chart is used to divide jobs so that everyone has a turn at a task.

What is a Kaper Chart?


Name 2 tools you should pack

What is a jackknife, multi-tool or swiss army knife, duct tape, hammer (for tent stakes), saw or axe (for firewood), broom or dustpan (to clean out tent floor)?


You should you coat pots or pans with this before using over fires

What is soap or detergent?


At this camp, you can go fishing, canoeing, swimming, stand up paddleboarding, Archery, Hatchet throwing, Paddleboating, & play baseball/softball. This camp also has pleasant lake.

What is Pottawatomie Hills?


This fire produces a quick and hot fire. The base of the fire is wide and the top is narrow where all the wood meets together.

What is a Teepee Fire?


What is wrong with this sentence? When making a fire you should pull branches off of live trees and pick green leaves.

When making a fire you should only use dead sticks and leaves.


This use of a bandana can be used to wipe your face while or after eating...

What is a napkin?


These work best when cooking over hot coals or very low flame. Check often for doneness. To make removal easier, use butter, oil, or cooking spray on the inside.

What are pie irons?


Name 3 Ways you can cook outside

What are One-pot meal, Foil Cooking, Stick Cooking, Dutch Oven, Box Oven, Portable Cook Stoves, Vagabond Stove & Buddy Burner, or Pie Iron?


Name 4 things to pack for doing dishes

What are cookpots, mess kit & dip bag, 3 wash bins, biodegradeable soap, trash bags, dish towel, clothesline or clothes pins?


You should leave a campsite or space like this when you leave

What is "leave a campsite or space better than you found it"?


While visiting this camp in West Bend, you can hike around the entire lake on the Ice Age Trail. What is the name of the lake at Camp Silverbrook?

What is Lukas Lake?


This fire is a solid, long burning fire. To form this fire, you criss cross the wood evenly leaving the largest logs for the base and the middle creates a square leaving air space

What is a Log Cabin or Criss Cross Fire?


This is how deep a cathole should be dug

What is 4-6 inches?


This use of a bandana can be used under your lunch...

What is a table cloth?


What is the best way to clean a Dutch oven, cast iron pans, or pie irons?

When the item is completely cooled down, you want to use a piece of crumbled up aluminum foil to scrape out stuck on food. Can use warm water to rinse off, but dry completely. Then wipe with vegetable oil or mineral oil to prevent rusting.


Name a recipe you can cook outdoors?

(Any recipe that is called out is correct including S'mores!)


Name 5 items to pack for cooking purposes

What are portable stove, propane tank, matches, firestarter, cook pots, potholder, frying pan, serving utensils, cooking utensils, can opener, sharp knife, mess kit, cutting board, cooler, water bottles or water jugs, trash bags, dutch oven, charcoal, roasting sticks?


What are 3 ways to purify water?

What are portable water filters, chemical tablets like iodine, and boiling water?


This place isn't a camp but a troop house is located here and owned by the council.

What is Fowler Troop House in Oconomowoc?


Name 3 non-liquid fire starters.

What are petroleum jelly and cotton balls, torn waxed mik cartons, small waxed candle in paper cups, candle kisses, trench candle, egg carton starters, small dry twigs, split wood kindling, pitch resin, pitch balls, dryer lint, etc


How many feet from a water source should you set up camp, set up dishwashing space, and/or dig a cathole? 

What is 200 feet?


What is another use that we haven't mentioned to use a bandana?

Uses may vary depending on imagination, examples could be pixie hat, apron, neckerchief, hand puppet, etc.


When a horse must be away from his quarters or grazing area, the thoughtful owner provides a ______ of feed that hangs conveniently from the horse's bridle. Hence the name was coined for a Girl Scout's traveling meal. Usually contains nutritious and satisfying foods and contains all four food groups.

What is nosebag?