Is it okay to sell cookies alone?
You should always sell with an adult.
What is the price for a standard or regular box of cookies? (ex. Thin Mints)
Bonus: What is the price for the premium boxes?
A standard box of cookies is $5. These cookies are Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Lemon Ups, and Do-Si-Dos.
The premium boxes (Smores and Toffeetastics) are $6.
What traditional cookies tastes like shortbread and carries the classic Girl Scout symbol on the front?
Bonus: What color box is it in?
The Trefoil
Bonus: Blue (dark blue as the toffeetastics is in a light blue box)
Which NEW cookie may contain tree nuts?
What is the minimum amount of cookies a Girl Scout has to sell?
Selling is not mandatory.
What should a Girl Scout always have on when selling cookies?
Her vest!
How much does it cost for 2 boxes of Thin Mints?
$10 (2 x $5)
Which cookie is made with peanut butter in between two oatmeal sandwich cookies?
If a customer says they are a Vegan, which cookie could you suggest they try?
Thin Mints
Vegan means made with no animal products.
What are the 2 goals that should be done before selling?
Personal Goals and Troop Goals
Is it okay to go up to a vehicle to sell cookies?
NEVER go up to a vehicle to sell cookies.
Grandma would like 3 boxes of Thin Mints. She gives you a $20 dollar bill. What is her change?
$5 is her change.
3 x $15.
$20-$15 is $5.
What is the newest cookie to join the Girl Scout Cookie group this year?
(Hint: It tastes like Lemon!)
Which cookie could you tell customers are Gluten Free?
Whether at booth or personal sales, what should be said even to someone who has not made a purchase?
Thank You
Is it okay for you to sell cookies via Facebook or other social medias?
As long as you or your parents know the person you are selling to.
Does 2 boxes of S'mores cost the same as 3 boxes of Thin Mints?
S'mores are $6 a box making it $12 for 2.
Thin Mints are $5 a box making it $15 for 3.
What are the three top favorite cookies?
Thin Mints, Samoas, and Tagalongs
What could you suggest for someone who is allergic to soy?
You can suggest they make a donation! Unfortunately, all cookies contain soy.
What are 3 of the 8 types of cookies we have available?
(Bonus if all 8 named)
Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils, Lemon Ups, S'mores, Toffeetastics
Is it okay to leave the cookie booth to go to the bathroom with another Girl Scout?
Always use the buddy system when leaving an area and make sure an adult knows where you are going.
When do we collect money from friends, family and customers?
When we hand a box of cookies to family, friends and customers is when money should be collected.
(No pre-collection of money is necessary.)
What campfire dessert was invented by Girl Scouts but now you can enjoy all the time without a fire to make it?
If a customer tells you that they have diabetes, what else could you offer them?
Ask them if they would like to donate a box of cookies to support our local food bank and military.
What are the two premium cookies that sell for $6 a box?
S'mores and Toffeetastics