The first day of initial Girl Scout cookie orders.
What is: Today, January 8, 2022
Girls say this to customers even when someone does not buy cookies.
What is: Thank You
This cookie has slightest hint of lemon
True or False: Girls in each troop must have the SAME cookie goal.
What is: False. Girls should have their own goal.
This cookie has french toast flavor
What is: TOAST-YAY
The cost of a box of cookies.
What is: $5.00
You can sell cookies in person or this way.
What is: Online or E-Cards or Social Media
This cookie is chocolate covered over peanut butter.
What is: Peanut Butter Patties
The theme for the 2021 Cookie season is?
Name of the New Cookie.
What is: Adventurefuls
This is the Top Selling Cookie.
What is: Thin Mint
How much I owe for 2 thin mints and 2 lemonades in March.
What is $25
Name the cookie with peanut butter and oatmeal.
What is: Peanut Butter Sandwich
Sell this many packages by 2/6/2022 to earn a hoodie and Goal Getter patch
What are: 180
This cookie has chocolatey stripes.
What is: Caramel DeLites
This cookie has the most cookies per box.
What is: Shortbread
How much I owe if I order a Cookie Share for the military and one box of Thin Mints.
What is: $10
Caramel Chocolate Chip cookie is free of this.
What is: Gluten
Girls who are this age or older may use social networking sites to market product.
What is: 13
Top selling cookie with all-vegan ingredient list
Samoas are to Lil Brownie Baker what Caramel deLites are to _________ (name of baker)
What is: ABC Baker
I order 6 boxes of cookies and give you $50, how much change do I receive back?
What is: $20
These Girl Scout cookies contain High Fructose Syrup and Artificial Flavors.
What is: NONE
What is: 1917
This cookie has shape of the Girl Scout Emblem.
What is: Shortbread