This cookie is inspired by French Toast. It is cookie dipped in delicious icing and full of flavor in every bite.
What is Toast-Yay! ?
We used to do the do-si-do, when selling this cookie, but now it goes by this name.
What is Peanut Butter Sandwich?
This minty cookie is vegan. Meaning it doesn't have any animal products including dairy.
What are Thin Mints?
This is the cost for all our cookies per box this year.
What is $7?
Everyone's favorite, mint and chocolate cookie. The name is synonymous with delicious so they couldn't change this classic.
What are Thin Mints?
It's not Lemon Ups, but another citrus inspired cookie featuring the slightest hint of lemon, for a refreshing unique flavor.
What are Lemonades?
A yearly favorite, Samoas are now called this.
What are Carmel DeLites?
Looking for a gluten free option, this is the Girl Scout Cookie for you.
What are Caramel Chocolate Chip?
A customer wants to buy 4 boxes of girl scout cookies. This is how much they owe.
What is $28?
A newer cookie made of crispy brownie and caramel? The name remains the same.
What are adventurefuls?
This is better than your standard chocolate chip cookie, it has caramel too!
What is caramel chocolate chip?
The cookie with the Girl Scout logo, used to be called Trefoils, are now called this.
What are shortbreads?
A buttery cookie that can be ground up to make pie crusts.
What are shortbreads or trefoils?
These are the forms of payment we can take.
What is cash, credit card and Venmo (at cookie booths)?
Sorry this cookie is no longer offered. It was marshmallow and chocolate. Can we help you find another tasty option?
What are s'mores?
What is our Girl Scout Service Unit switched bakeries to offer better delivery.
Another top seller, this chocolate covered peanut butter cookie is no longer called tagalongs, but this instead.
What is Peanut Butter Patties?
These Girl Scout Cookies have the least amount of sugar per serving.
What are shortbreads or trefoils?
A customer wants to buy 2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, they give you $20. This is how much change they should get.
What is $6?
These are typically our top 3 sellers (even if they have new names).
What are Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Patties and Caramel deLites?
This is the name of our new bakery.
What is ABC Bakers?
These two cookies have peanut butter as a main ingredient.
What are Peanut Butter Sandwiches and Peanut Butter Patties?
A customer buys 5 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. They pay $40. This is how much change they should get.
What is $5?
This is the original Girl Scout Cookie bakery, that has been baking cookies since 1937
What is ABC Bakery?