Which cookies are gluten free?
Only Toffe-tastic is gluten free.
What was the original Girl Scout cookie?
A simple sugar cookie.
What should you wear when selling Girl Scout Cookies?
The number-one reason people don’t buy Girl Scout Cookies?
They were never asked!
In person, you can only buy cookies with cash. T or F
No, you may purchase with credit card too. Make sure you tell peopl!
Which cookies are vegan?
Only thin mints in our market.
What happens to the leftover cookies at the end of the cookie season?
If a council or troop has cookies left at the end of the sale, GSUSA encourages them to work with local food pantries and other charitable organizations to distribute cookies as a special treat for people seeking food relief services.
Girls do not need adult supervision when selling cookies, as long as they have a buddy. T or F
False -Girls grades 6-12 must be supervised by an adult when selling door-to-door and must never sell alone. Adults should be present at a cookie booth in any public place at all times.
Sales tactics to get the customer to buy more cookies?
Remind them cookies only come around once a year. Suggest customers buy by the case and stock up for the whole year with enough to freeze for later.
Remind customers that the cookies make perfect gifts and party food.
They want to support Girl Scouts. Always tell your customers about your goals. Customers want to help you succeed!
Try your best to keep track of your money and turn it in as you get additional boxes from the troop.
Which cookies are $6?
S'mores and Toffee-tastic
Are Girl Scout cookies halal certified and kosher?
Yes. All Girl Scout Cookies are halal certified.
It is ok to post about your cookie sales on social media? T or F
Post about the Girl Scout Cookie Program can be made on your social media sites and shared by family and friends.
What can you say if a customer says " I am on a diet" or "I don't like cookies"?
Educate them on your service project and how they can help donate.
It is ok to give cookies to people you know if they don't have the money right then. They will pay you back later and you don't want to lose the sale. T or F
F - Make sure you have the money in hand or the transaction has gone through and been processed, BEFORE you hand over the cookies.
What is the name of the new cookie, what is the flavor and texture, how much does it cost and where can you get it?
Raspberry Rally™ $5.00 per package - Direct Ship Only
Thin, crispy cookies infused with raspberry flavor, dipped in chocolaty coating - similar to thin mint.
How much money does Girl Scouts make by selling cookies?
Each year, Girl Scouts generates over $900 million in revenue selling cookies
What kind of things do we need to think about when we are "protecting privacy"?
Girls’ names, addresses, or email addresses should never be given out to customers. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except for the product sale. Girls should never take credit card numbers.
What are 3 ways you can work to sell your cookies and reach your goal?
Door to door selling
Online content/ Digital cookie page
Money only has to be counted once before being submitted, as long as you have your work written down on a sheet. T or F
F - Money always needs to be double checked/counted and should be verified by you.
What are the top 3 selling cookie flavors in order?
The best-selling Girl Scout Cookies are:
When did the thin mints first come out and what other names have they gone by?
The first known record of Girl Scout Cookies made of chocolate mint appeared in 1939 and was called Cooky Mints. In 1951, they were called Chocolate Mints, and from 1959 - Thin Mints
What are 2 things you pledge to in the "Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge"?
What is the #1 thing that has worked for you, getting someone to buy cookies when they weren't going to?
What are some things to consider with money, while doing cookie sales?
Always have a plan for safeguarding money, and avoid walking around with large amounts of it or keeping it at home or school.