Who wrote the law and promise.
Who is Juliette Low?
This top selling girl scout cookie could help give you fresh breath.
What are Thin Mints.
She founded Girl Scouts in 1912.
Who is Juliette Low?
How many Girl Scout age groups are there?
What is 6?
I have caramel and brownie.
What are Adventurefuls?
Juliette Low was born on this fun holiday.
What is Halloween?
This group of Girl Scouts earn petals.
What is Daisy’s?
Who makes Girl Scout cookies?
Who is Little Brownie Bakers?
Juliette Low started Girl Scouts on March 12th this many years ago?
What is 112 years ago?
This is the direction the hand squeeze goes in a friendship circle.
What is Left?
This cookie is chocolate covered and peanut butter inside.
What are Tagalongs?
The first Girl Scouts were called this.
What is Girls Guides?
This sign stands for the GirlScout promise, but also can mean “Quiet please”.
What is Three fingers on Right hand
Finish the line... To serve my community and my...
What is country?
A cookie named for the traditional sign representing GirlScouts everywhere.
What are Trefoils?
When growing up Juliette Low was often referred to by this nickname...
What is Daisy?
This is the highest award achieved in senior girl scouts.
What is the Gold Award?