The name of the town where the smith family lives
What is 'Langley Falls'?
A phrase for 'its very cold'
What is 'it's mad brick out'?
Color of the J train on the MTA map
What is 'Brown'?
the nickname given to Sandor Clegane
What is 'The Hound'?
The only princess based on a historical figure
Who is 'Pocahontas'?
Roger’s persona when he acts as a therapist in the series
Who is 'Dr. Penguin'?
The current mayor
Who is 'Eric Adams'?
the three buses you can take to get here from kings highway
What is 'B100, B2, B36'?
the last ruler of the Targaryen dynasty before Robert Baratheon's rebellion
Who is 'Aerys II Targaryen (The Mad King)'?
The disney princess with a tiger as a pet
Who is 'Jasmine'?
the title of the American Dad episode that is a parody of the James Bond franchise
What is 'TearJerker'?
The dual animal pair guarding the entrance to the Bryant Park location of the New York Public Library
What are 'Lions'?
the busiest station
what is 'Times Square'?
The first king of the targaryen dynasty
Who is 'Aegon Targaryen'?
the first disney princess
Who is 'Snow White'?
Roger's place's (the Bar in the attic) catchphrase
What is 'Dive on in'? (+100 if done with accent and hands)
NYC borough that is the largest in terms of land area
what is 'Queens'?
The tallest subway station
What is 'Smith 9th Street'?
the names of Daenerys Targaryen’s three dragons
What is 'Drogon, Rhaegal, Viserion'?
the name of the cat in Cinderella
Francine Smith's maiden name
What is 'Ling'?
The original spelling of Brooklyn
What is 'Breuckelen'?
The longest subway line & name where it starts and ends
The king who built the dragon pit
Who is 'Maegor the Cruel'?
The Disney princess who has the least amount of dialogue throughout her entire film
Who is 'Aurora from Sleeping Beauty'?