Name That Musical Artist
Name That Movie/Show
Words That Sound Similar
Name That Cartoon
Name That Bible Character

Singer, Actress, and Songwriter, Known for their famously high ponytail.

Who is Ariana Grande?


A diary about an average middle child. Older Brother is in a rock band. Book series adaption.

What is 'Diary of Wimpy Kid?'


To refer to something and To see. 

What is Cite and Sight?


3 children made from sugar, spice, and everything nice. All their names start with B. Uses their powers to fight villians.

What is 'The Powerpuff Girls?'


Led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God.  

Who is Moses?


Singer, and Songwriter. Mostly associated with the number 13. Has different "Eras"

Who is Taylor Swift?


New Girl transfers from Home School to High School and learns that there are cliques which include the jocks, popular kids, nerds, etc. She joins a group known as the "Plastics". 

What is 'Mean Girls?'


A sweet treat after dinner and A hot and dry place with sand and no water.

What is Dessert and Desert?


A sponge that works at a fast food restaurant underwater. 

What is "SpongeBob SquarePants?'


The shepherd boy who became the King of Israel and defeated Goliath

Who is David?


Singer, and Songwriter. Known for one of their greatest hits, "Baby." Currently married.

Who is Justin Bieber?


New girl, Gabriella, transfers to a new school. Befriends a basketball player who's a really good singer. They start dating. 

What is 'High School Musical?'


Two or double and A fight

What is Dual and Duel?


A group of heroes consisting of Batman's helper, A Magic Witch, A shapeshifter, A robot, and An alien with superpowers. They lived in a T shaped Tower. 

What is "Teen Titans?"


Built an ark to save his family and animals from the great flood

Who is Noah?


Singer, and Songwriter. Made the song, "Bad Guy,". Known for her emoish looks.

Who is Billie Eillish?


Kid learns about a new wizard world. Also learns that he's the "chosen one," the only one to survive he who must not be named. Book adaption.

What is 'Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone?' 


To uncover and a brown furry animal.

What is Bare and Bear?


Different characters named after fruits and desserts. Show emphasizes of friendship and teamwork.

What is "Strawberry Shortcake?"


The mother of Jesus Christ

Who is Mary?

Singer, and Songwriter. Made popular songs such as "Perfect" and "Shape of You". Is a Redhead.

Who is Ed Sheeran?


Kid learns about a world where gods and demigods exist. Also learns that the mostly deadliest god is after him for stealing something he didn't steal. Has to go on a journey with a half blood and satyr. Book series adaption

What is "Percy Jackson and the Olympians?"


A four-legged animal that has hooves and eats plants and a word used to refer to someone special to you.

What is Deer and Dear?


Young fairies at a magical school who uses their powers to fight evil and protect their world. Main character's name starts with a B.

What is "Winx Club?"


Known for his multicolored coat, he was sold into slavery by his brothers, rose to power in Egypt, and ultimately saved his family from famine.

Who is Joseph?