What is more dense oil or water?
Name one or two ways coding is used
Youtube, google search, social media (FB, IG, tiktok), in video games
What does an engineer do?
builds and constructs structures, equipment, computers, bridges for the benefit of society.
What is the strongest shape?
What does Girls Inc. empower girls to be?
To be strong, smart and bold!
How many legs does an insect have?
Double Jeopardy!
What is coding?
Instruction given to a computer
What does an architect do?
plans and develops the layout and design of a building or structure
What is symmetry?
When one half is the same as the other half.
What is germination?
The process when a seed sprouts and grows leaves
Name 2-3 insects that are pollinators
bees, birds, butterflies, bats, moths, beetles, wasp, you!
Where does this code block belong (image 2)?
a.) Motion block b.)Sound block c.) Event block d.)Look block
C.) Event block
What is this? (see image 1)
Where are/is the line of symmetry in this picture (image 4)?
There should be 2 answers!
What galaxy are we in?
The Milky Way
What are the 3 types of matter
Solid, liquid, gas
Double Jeopardy!
How did Timnit Gebru change the world for the better?
She started programs to encourage women and people of color to study engineering
Name 2-3 types of engineers
Computer, Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Industrial, Aerospace, Robotics and more!
What is a pattern of shapes that has no overlaps or gaps? see image 5 for example
Double Jeopardy!
Give an example of a phase change
water to ice. boiling water to steam. liquid cream to ice cream.
Name two ways that insects benefit our world
-pollination (3/4 of the world's flowering plants and about 35 percent of the world's food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce).
-insects make honey, wax, silk
-soil fertilization
-They are decomposers and scavengers that eat decaying animals and plants- they help clean up!
Why is coding important?
We are becoming more and more dependent on technology. We use computers not just social media, but in medicine, in government, in schools etc.
What did engineers invent that allowed them to make tall skyscrapers?
Steel I-beams
Finish Pattern
(K-1st): 4, 8, 12, __, __
(2nd-3rd): 36, 42, 48, __, ___,
(4th-5th): 72, 64, 56, ___, ___,
(2nd-3rd): 54, 60 (add 6)
(4th-5th): 48, 40 (subtract by 8)
Double Jeopardy!
What is a hypothesis?
A hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work.