Bachelor Nation
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Baseball Rules
AGMs Finest
Dating Recaps

The previous host of all Bachelor franchise shows. 

Who is Chris Harrison


She was "engaged" to a man after officially dating for a long weekend. 

Who is Kahri Silva 


The number of players that each team has on the field when they are not at bat. 

What is 9 players


He shares a home stake with a member of the AGM Baddies

Who is Landon Graham 

She was told that he cuddles with all of his girl friends

Who is Kaitlyn Murry

This Bachelorette has been the most recent season lead to come out as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

Who is Gabby Windey


She and her spouse claim they're breaking up or divorcing in every major fight they have

Who is Laura Silva Knott


The distance between each bag on a baseball diamond. 

What is 90 feet


He is a rising star, specifically known for his improvised comedy routines.

Who is Jackson Holladay 


She made out with a boy at a city park in the middle of the night 

Who is Cecilie Cooper


This Bachelor was famously a virgin on his season and has since married a man. 

Who is Colton Underwood


She married her first boyfriend

Who is Jessie DeGraw Henderson 


The term used when the batters ball count is 3 balls and 2 strikes. 

What is a full count

He is not only a close friend of Breea's but also a distant cousin of Amanda's 

Who is Matthew Neff


After watching Twilight on their first date, she reenacted a scene with her date.

Who is Amanda DeGraw


This Bachelor lead was sentenced to prison after fleeing the scene of a fatal car accident. 

Who is Chris Soules


Famously said watching her husband water ski was an aphrodisiac

Who is Laurie Murry


This rivalry is the oldest in baseball, dating back to 1890 when both teams were located in New York. 

Who are the Giants and Dodgers


Unbeknownst to him, he has the power to break up a strong friendship 

Who is Isaac G Hansen


She invited a boy to the house she was staying at to hot tub and ncmo

Who is Breea Silva


The number of Bachelor franchise shows that have aired in America

What is 10 shows


The first time they were engaged he broke up with her and she got rid of everything pertaining to their relationship only to get married to one another in a couple years. 

Who are Lane and Babba 


The 3 ways that a player can receive a strike while at bat. 

What are swing and miss, ball in the strike zone, foul balls


He infamously asked Breea if she wanted the last apple at DC because she is Sleeping Beauty, not realizing he was referencing the wrong Disney Princess 

Who is Kadin Warner


She tells us little to nothing about her dating life consistently 

Who is Noelle Radichel