kid threw rock and ends up king
who is david
david grabbed ___ stones to kill goliath
what is 5
what is the longest chapter in the Bible
what is Psalm 119
man takes wood and put animals on it
who is noah
God created the world in ___ days
what is 6
what is the shortest verse in the Bible
what is John 11:35
kid gets tied up by his dad and almost stabbed
who is isaac
joseph had ___ older brothers
what is 10
what is the shortest chapter in the Bible
what is Psalm 117
lefty stabs a fat man and starts a revolt
who is ehud
it rained for ___ days when noah was on the ark
what is 40
what is the longest verse in the Bible
what is Esther 8:9
man drops wheat to cute girl and marries her
who is boaz
what is 14
what is the longest book in the Bible (according to the word count)
what is Isaiah