What does IDW stand for as it related to Raster analysis
Inverse distance Weighting
What is metadata?
Data about data
Name three types of feature classes used in Vector.
Points, Lines and Polygons
What is the difference between a Record and Field?
Field is a category of data (column)
Record is the data about a feature (row)
Give an example of a Map Projection
UTM or BC Albers
What is Spatial Interpolation used for?
Creates a surface from spot heights
What does RION stand for as it relates to measurement scales
Ratio, Interval, Ordinal & Nominal
What is a common tool used for the clean up phase after performing a vector analysis (overlay)?
Give an example of Primary and Secondary data.
Secondary: VRI data, TRIM, TEM, NTS
What is a Datum and provide an example.
Datums are 3D coordinate systems
What is a mask?
A raster layer of 0's (or nulls) & 1's used to define an area of interest
Resolution: Define it for Vector & Raster
Vector: MMU - Minimum mapping unit
Raster: the pixel size
Describe two different Select by functions used to perform a Query?
By attribute or location
Coordinate geometry= enter coordinates via keyboard and then convert to points on a map
What is the function of the keeper when identifying GIS peoples roles?
Assures data quality and maintenance of data coming into GIS Systems
What is the function of a Raster Calculator?
Performs map algebra or a raster overlay to create a combined simplified layer
What is a disadvantage of performing multiple vector overlays over time?
The creation of slivers
What is the difference between an intersect & Union when performing a Overlay?
Union: brings together all area & fields
Intersect: all fields in overlapping areas
What logical operators are used to build a complex query? Selecting records to meet 2 criteria. Name at least 2.
And, Or, Not
Name three cartographic principles discussed in class.
KISS, Balance, Symmetry, Think/Think/Think, Easy Rider, Engage interest, Visual/Intellectual Hierarchy.
What mathematical formula is used or associated with Euclidean distance?
Pythagorean Theorem
4 levels of GIS models were discussed in class. What were they?
Real world, conceptual, logical & physical
Merge and Append is used to combine information. What is the difference?
Merge creates a new layer.
Append existing layer is updated.
When creating a field, name 3 different field types you can choose from.
Short/long integers, text, double or float
Name 6 forms of Cartographic Generalization
Selection, Simplification, Amalgamation, Smoothing, Displacement, Exaggeration