Gita Intro

Why should we study the Gita?

  • Art of living and Guide for living.

  • Gita is not information, it needs to be practiced, so that it goes into the driving seat of Intellect.

  • Gita is like a cookbook but recipes needs to practiced.

  • Gita is like surfboard that ride the waves of life( sometimes highs and lows).

  • It is for personal growth. Journey from “I am” lost to “I” is lost.


Who does Arjuna represent?



What was the moral in the story about Shankaranand the Donkey?

  • Ask questions
  • Think
  • Don't just blindly follow

What is Yoga?

Yoga is meant to unite mind and intellect. We have personalities being divided and we ourselves are divided(battle of hearts and mind).


What is Arjuna's Disease?

  • Delusion leads to Fear, Fear leads to Sorrow (Moha, Bhaya, Shoka)

  • Arjuna is confused, his mind and intellect is divided. 

  • He is going through battle of heart and mind.

  • His skin is burning, feeling nervous, shivering, seeing bad omen, starts justifying.

  • We often go through this during exams, interviews..

  • Nature of the mind is indecision, confusion, our doubts intensify when it comes to results of action (Karma phala)


What are Vasanas and Samskaras?

  • Vasanas are impressions from this life and past life

  • Samskaras are tendencies created from vasanas


What was the lesson in the story of the scholar?

Good knowledge leads to good choices


What is Chapter 1 titled?

Hint: “Arjuna condition of utter despair, is the auspicious mental attitude wherein the Geeta seeds are sown and flowers of Krishna perfection gathered”. - Pujya Gurudev

“Arjuna Grief Yoga”


Explain the Objective Mind and Subjective Mind

Since varied information about objects of world comes to our Mind, its called Objective Mind 

Objective Mind collects all information and sends it to Subjective Mind 

Every set of impulses that reach our subjective 

mind gets colored by the quality of the previous Vasana.

Carefully think about the word “impulses”

When these impulses translate into actions, the action carry a selfish desire-prompted activity there builds a wall within Objective mind and Subjective Mind 


What did the Dharmatologist say?

"pain is inevitable but suffering is optional"


What question does Arjuna ask that Duryodhana also asked but in a different way

Hint: Duryodhana knows he does bad things

  • Why do people do wrong things? How can that be changed?

  • When Arjuna asks - “ What should I do?” Gita begins


What did Pujya Gurudev say about Samskaras

Pujya Gurudev: “Samskaras are caught not taught!”


Difference between religion and Spirituality


How did Arjuna fulfill the Chariot allegory?

He who has the understanding of the driver of the chariot and controls the rein of his mind, he reaches the end of the journey, that supreme abode of the all–pervading

 — Katha Upanishad 1.3.10–11

  • The chariot is shown in middle of the battlefield.  We navigate this chariot constantly through difficult choices to reach our ultimate goal. 

  • The only way to take this chariot to its ultimate goal is to have a disciplined approach and bring the mind and senses under the complete control of the intellect. 

  • This was shown so wonderfully by Arjuna surrendering himself to Lord Krishna.


What was Duryodhana's honest proclaim about right and wrong

“I know what is right, but I have little inclination towards it. I know what is wrong, but I can hardly refrain myself from it”