What is the cup that holds the Blood of Christ
When Jesus was born, what is that season called?
The part of mass when the 1st and 2nd readings and the Gospel is read
Liturgy of the Word
Father of Jesus, was a carpenter, was Jesus' role model
St. Joseph
Who is the tallest guardian?
Name of the "swingy smoky thingy", the first in line to walk in mass
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What is the most important holiday of the Church?
The part of mass when the Eucharist is being consecrated
Liturgy of Eucharist
One of the most recent saints, she moved around the world to help the poor and live with them
St. Teresa
Who is the youngest guardian?
Official name of the Giup Le room, the "changing room"
What is the longest season of the Church?
Ordinary Time
The very beginning, when we walk up
Entrance procession
1st pope, one of the disciples
St. Peter
What are the guardian's favorite sport?
Frisbee Golf
Name of the black marble "stage"
What is the shortest season of the Church?
Easter Season
When Cha greets everyone , after the sign of the Cross
Introductory Rites
Started by persecuting Christians, God blinded him and told him to change, and is now he is a preacher of God
St. Paul
Who is the best guardian?
Jesus Christ c:
The official name of the men wearing a suit that helps prepare mass?
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
When does the Season cycle start again?
December 24, Christmas Eve
What is it called when Cha reads the prayer from the Roman Missal/Sacramentary
The Collect
Joined the seminary after influenced by fellow priest, made a book called the 5 proofs of Gods Existence, Patron Saint of all students
St. Thomas Aquinas
Who are the nine guardians?
Luc, Justin, Paul, Theresa, Anna, Dominic, Davina, David, and Mary-An.