Friends and Family
Surprise Me!
An example of this word might be: "You mix your Wheaties with your mama's toe jam!"
What is JEER?
This is the only method of transportation used in the Community.
As Jonas anticipates the upcoming Ceremony of Twelve, he feels this emotion for this reason.
Jonas is apprehensive because he doesn't know what assignment he will receive, since he has so many different areas of interest and experience from his years of volunteer work.
Jonas's mom works in the department of __________; his dad is a ___________________.
What is "JUSTICE" and "NURTURER"?
Jonas has this in common with baby Gabriel and the Giver
What are PALE EYES?
Give an example of a situation in which someone might feel APPREHENSIVE.
(Any situation when someone would feel nervous, especially about what might happen in the future.)
Name at last two major life decisions that people cannot make for themselves in the Community.
People in the Community cannot choose their own CAREERS. They also cannot choose their own SPOUSES, and they may not decide to have their own CHILDREN- children are assigned to them if the Elders approve, and each couple cannot have more than one boy and one girl.
Identify three attributes that make Jonas an appropriate choice for the position of Receiver-in-Training.
Describe Jonas's one sibling.
Lily is a Seven who tends to be outspoken, impatient, and likes babies.
Give one example of how Jonas's eyes play tricks on him (i.e. how he sees things that others don't see).
The apple; the faces in the audience during the Ceremony.
This word is a synonym for ANGUISHED.
This is the ultimate punishment for breaking one of the Community's rules.
Being "released" from the Community.
Give one piece of evidence that shows that Jonas is thoughtful and/or caring.
Possible answers include: how gentle and considerate he is when bathing Larissa; how patient and understanding he is when Lily talks excessively at dinner; the fact that he worries about his friend Asher's assignment.
Identify Asher's assignment and explain why it is a good choice for him.
Asher is assigned to be Assistant Director of Recreation. This is an apt assignment for him because he is a fun-loving, goofy kid who always has a good sense of humor, but he is a little too disorganized and prone to making mistakes to have a more serious job.
The Giver will train Jonas to be the new Receiver by doing this.
What is TRANSMITTING MEMORIES, not only of the Community, but of the whole world.
Use the word "INTRIGUED" in an original sentence with sufficient context to show the meaning of the word.
Give an example that shows how serious the Community is about "precision of language."
When Asher was a child, he often misspoke, confusing the words "smack" and "snack". He was punished for this error with a discipline wand until he finally stopped speaking at all.
Identify three rules that Jonas must follow as Receiver that go against the regular rules of the Community.
He is allowed to ask rude questions and lie. He is not allowed to share his dreams, apply for relief of pain (when it's related to his training), or apply for release. He also may not discuss his training with anyone aside from the Giver.
Explain who Gabriel is and what connection he has to Jonas's family.
Gabriel is a Newchild who is not developing according to the normal rate. He has trouble sleeping at night and needs additional nurturing. He has been granted another year at the Nurturing Center; during the nights, he will stay with Jonas's family so that he can learn to sleep through the night more peacefully.
This is what impresses Jonas most about the Giver's home.
Jonas is amazed by the number of books that the Giver has, because other homes in the Community have only 3: the dictionary, the community handbook, and the Book of Rules.
Fill in the blanks with two of this week's vocab words: "Although I was ___________________ by the idea of starting a new life in an exotic country, I was also ____________________ about leaving behind everything that was familiar."
This item represents how the Community wants its citizens to grow up to depend on each other, instead of being able to handle situations on their own.
What is a jacket with buttons in the back instead of the front? This teaches interdependence, because the children have to ask other people to help them remove their jackets instead of removing them by themselves.
Give two pieces of evidence that show that Jonas is honest.
Possible answers include: when he tells his family about his apprehensiveness even though he doesn't want to; when he tells his family about his dream about Fiona; when he struggles with the idea that as Receiver he will have to lie.
Explain who Fiona is, and the role she plays in Jonas's process of growing up.
Fiona is a friend of Jonas's who also volunteers at the House of Old; she is important because Jonas has a dream about bathing her that makes him recognize that he desires her. When he tells his parents about the dream, they inform him he has begun his "Stirrings," or puberty, and must start taking a pill to suppress those feelings.
Identify the pros and cons of being a Birthmother.
Birthmothers are treated well during the time that they are giving birth to newchildren: they lead lives of leisure with gentle exercise and good food to eat. However, afterwards they must do hard physical work and are denied the opportunity of raising their own families. They are not respected in the Community.