What is the account number for Cost of goods sold - subcontractors?
The invoice is billed to Jason Miller without mentioning the company's name, can we process the invoice?
No. The legal name is required on the invoice either JK or ServiceMaster (961)
If you are writing off late fees, which account should you use?
What is the account number for Professional Fees
4Refuel provides the fuel for our tank. Are these shop supplies or fuel?
We will reclass them to fuel, GL 60165.
The description said the invoice was for sponsorship in September, October, December 2025. Which account?
Gl 10501 Prepaids
What is the account number for Internet?
The Answer Company is our ERP consultant. What account should we use?
For the consulting work, GL 10719 Computer Software.
For the subscription of Acumatica, GL 10501 Prepaid Expenses because we are paying for the full year.
The description says the invoice was for the tire replacement for unit 47. Which account?
GL 60162 vehicle-repairs and maintenance. The cost is not making the vehicle better.
What is the account number for Vehicle - fuel?
Avetta is a platform that our safety uses. We normally pay for the whole year. What account should we use
? and description?
GL 10501 Prepaid Expenses
Description: Avetta annual subscription (Jan-Dec 2025)
The description says the invoice was for job 36172. The cost is for hotel. Which account?
GL 50052 COGS-lodging.
What is the account number for Computer Hardware?
PAND is our accounting firm. Which account should we use for their invoices?
Regular invoices: GL 60090 Professional Fees.
Year end invoice: GL 60090 and GL 20201 Accrued Liabilities
The coffee pods purchased for the company. Which account?
GL 60071 Office Supplies