Define Interculturality
It refers to the interaction and exchange between different cultures to gain a mutual respect and understanding.
what does EDI stand for?
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
What was the "purpose" of residential schools created by government?
To wipe the indigenous children's culture away in attempt to assimilate them into European-based cultural beliefs and ways of living. A cultural genocide.
Why do people get intimidated by giving land acknowledgments?
Fear of making a mistake or offending someone. Saying the wrong thing.
What's another term used to describe Interculturality?
• Intercultural Competence • Intercultural Effectiveness • Interculturality • Cultural humility • Cultural sensitivity
What's the goal of EDI?
to create environments and systems that are fair and welcoming no matter your background, identity, culture etc.
What does "Turtle Island" refer to?
What website can show you all the indigenous communities that make the land you live on?
What's the difference between an Ethnorelative mindset and Ethnocentric mindset?
An ethnocentric mindset is where someone believes that their culture and values are superior to other cultures and other values. Ethnorelative mindsets are the opposite.
Why is EDI important in organizations?
to promote equality within the organization so that all people of the organization can thrive and obtain equal opportunities.
What's the goal of Indigenization?
The goal to incorporate Indigenous knowledge/ history, values and traditions into education systems and social structures.
What does "Unceded Land" mean?
land that was never agreed to (by Indigenous people) to be given away.
In the DMIS, describe the minimization stage
when someone starts to recognize and respect the differences within different cultures. But at the same time, can oversimplify these realizations and not fully understand the extent of them.
What's the difference between Equity and Equality?
Equality is treating everyone the same. Equity is understanding everyone has different needs and starting points.
True or False- indigenous people don't pay taxes
True or False- land acknowledgments should be a one time thing
What's the importance of learning about cultural hybridity?
to understand that cultures are not static, and change overtime. you should never make generalizations before knowing the circumstances.
"----- Training" helps raise awareness about biases, cultural differences, and inclusion.
What's the definition of "Inter-Generational trauma"?
refers to the transfer of trauma between generations. trauma experienced by one generation in the family gets passed down to the next generation.
How can you make your land acknowledgment more meaningful and sincere?
make it personal with connections to your own life and learning journey.