
True or false, a career is a job.



What is Bodily Kinesthetic (Multiple Intelligence?) Give an explanation and 2 sample careers.

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence

  • The ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully 

  • Express themselves through movement

  • Have a good sense of balance & hand-eye coordination.

  • Through interacting with the space around them, they are able to remember and process information

  • Their skills include:

    • Dancing

    • Sports

    • Physical Coordination

    • Using body language

    • Acting 

    • Miming

  • Possible career paths:

Athletes, physical education teachers, dancers, actors, firefighters, police


What are the four true colours?

Gold, Green, Blue and Orange


What is Musical Rhythmic (Multiple Intelligence?) Give an explanation and 2 sample careers.

Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence

  • The ability to produce and appreciate music

  • Think in sounds, rhythms, and patterns

  • Many of these learners are extremely sensitive to environmental sounds (e.g. crickets, bells, dripping taps). 

  • Their skills include:

    • Singing

    • Whistling

    • Playing musical instruments

    • Recognizing tonal patterns

    • Composing music

    • Remembering melodies

    • Understanding the structure and rhythm of music

  • Possible career paths:

Musician, disc jockey, singer, composer


What is Logical Mathematical (Multiple Intelligence?) Give an explanation and 2 sample careers.

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

  • The ability to use reason, logic and numbers.

  • Think conceptually in logical & numerical patterns, making connections between pieces of information

  • Very curious about the world around them, ask lots of questions and like to do experiments

  • Their skills include:

    • Problem solving

    • Classifying and categorising information

    • Determining relationships between abstract concepts

    • Doing controlled experiments

    • Questioning natural events

    • Performing complex mathematical calculations

    • Working with geometric shapes

  • Possible career paths:

  • Scientists, engineers, computer programmers, researchers, accountants, mathematicians 


What is Visual Spatial (Multiple Intelligence?) Give an explanation and 2 sample careers.

Visual/Spatial Intelligence

  • The ability to perceive and understand visual information

  • Think in pictures

  • Enjoy looking at maps, charts, pictures, videos, and movies

  • Their skills include:

    • Puzzles

    • Good sense of direction

    • Sketching and painting

    • Construction and building

    • Fixing

    • Designing practical objects

  • Possible career interests:

  • Navigators, sculptors, visual artists


What does each letter of SMART Goals stand for?







What is Naturalist (Multiple Intelligence?) Give an explanation and 2 sample careers.

Naturalist Intelligence 

  • The ability to discriminate  among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the features world (clouds, rock configurations)

  • Require nurturing and learn better in natural environments 

  • Their Skills Include: 

    • Strong observation of natural world

    • Understanding sciences (chemistry, biology, and physics)

    • Able to classify and identify plant and animal species easily

  • Possible career paths:   

Researches, scientists, health care workers, environmentalists 


Name ALL 8 Multiple Intelligences

Verbal/Linguistic        Logical/Mathematical        Visual/Spatial        Interpersonal

Intrapersonal            Bodily/Kinesthetic        Musical/Rhythmic    Naturalist


What is Verbal Linguistic (Multiple Intelligence?) Give an explanation and 2 sample careers.

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

  • The ability to use words and language

  • Highly developed auditory skills, generally elegant speakers

  • Think in words rather than pictures

  • Their skills include:

    • Listening

    • Speaking

    • Writing

    • Storytelling

    • Explaining

    • Teaching

    • Using humour

    • Understanding the syntax and meaning of words

    • Remembering information

    • Arguing/debating

  • Possible career interests:

  • Poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer


What are 3 details of the left brain?

Left Brain

  • controls the right side of your body

  • think in words, good readers, logical, rational, on time, realistic

  • enjoy math and science

  • focus on one task at a time

  • organized, make lists and prioritize


Name 3 character traits of ORANGE personality types.

Witty…Charming…Spontaneous? Impulsive…Generous…Impactful? Optimistic…E ager…Bold? Physical…Immediate…Courageous?


Name 3 character traits of GREEN personality types.

Analytical…Global…Conceptual? Cool…Calm…Collected? Inventive…Logical…Problem Solver? Abstract…Creative…Investigative?


Name 3 character traits of GOLD personality types.

Loyal…Dependable…Prepared? Thorough…Sensible…Punctual? Faithful…Stable…Organized? Caring…Concerned…Helper?


Name 3 character traits of BLUE personality types.

Enthusiastic…Sympathetic…Personal? Warm…Communicative…Compassionate? Idealistic…Spiritual…Sincere? Peaceful…Flexible…Imaginative?


What are your interests and why should we consider these when choosing a career?


  • Things you are involved in or like to do

  • The most important factor to consider for a future career

You MUST enjoy what you do


People who learn best by co-operating and communicating with others have a strong:

  1. Interpersonal intelligence

  2. Logical/Mathematical intelligence

  3. Spatial/Visual intelligence

  4. Naturalistic intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence


What is Intrapersonal (Multiple Intelligence?) Give an explanation and 2 sample careers.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

  • The ability to self-reflect and be aware of one's inner state of being

  • Try to understand their inner feelings

  • Self-reflective, very aware of how they relate to others

  • Their Skills include:

    • Recognizing their own strengths and weaknesses

    • Reflecting and analysing themselves

    • Awareness of their inner feelings, desires and dreams

    • Evaluating their thinking patterns

    • Reasoning with themselves

    • Understanding their role in relationship to others

  • Possible Career Paths:

Researches, theorists, philosophers


State 2 facts about the changing world of work.

The Changing World of Work

  • Advances in IT, increasing globalization and greater competition are contributing to a dramatic shift in the workplace

  • Different, more fluid forms of work are more commonplace – casual, contract, part-time, work @ home

  • Many people will move within industry sectors multiple times over the course of their career

  • Increasingly, more importance placed on work/life balance

  • Need to be adaptable, dynamic, flexible, resilient, collaborative, self-starting


What are 3 details of the right brain?

  • controls the left side of your body

  • thinks in pictures, feelings, non-verbal, spontaneous,  imaginative, creative

  • tend to enjoy art and music

  • numerous task at one time

  • visual learner


SMART GOAL time! - explain a personal goal in SMART format

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, Time Bound


Name 3 things you must consider when choosing a career.

Interests, Aptitudes, Attitudes, Values, Skills


What are the 4 Career Clusters?

Career Clusters

  • Communication and the Arts

  • Engineering, Industrial, and Scientific Technology

  • Health, Human and Public Services 

  • Business and Marketing 


What are 3 main things we need to consider to make the best career choice?

Choosing a Career Path

  • Making the best career choices involves:

  • Knowing yourself

    • what you like (your interests), what you are good at (your skills and aptitudes), what is important to you (values and attitudes)

  • Understand the world of work

    • what’s out there

  • Learning how to make informed decisions

    • Gather information, understand your options and choose the best fit


What are values? Give 3 examples.


  • Things or qualities that are most important to you

  • Everyone has a set of values

  • Initially, learned from parents

  • As you go through life, mature, and gain more experiences, you develop your very own set of values