Difficult Conversations

Name 2 things you can consciously do to draw people into your conversation for more effective communication? 

Have good eye contact

Use your hands, to accentuate a point

Lean/Move (slightly) forward when speaking

Vary your tone

ETC. ... name others to get the points


Name any reason that providing feedback is important and can be so valuable?




Helps others improve and learn

And ANY improved business result


Complete this sentence: 

When Difficult Conversations are done well: They have a positive impact on the ______ AND at the same time preserve the ___________.

... positive impact on the RESULTS/SITUATION

... preserve the RELATIONSHIP and can even IMPROVE the relationship.


When you feel frustrated that you have explained something umpteen times already, what quote from GLCU- Skills development could remind you why it is important to be persistent? 

Leaders are Repeaters!!


Why is accountability so important? 

So that the Right Things will Get Done When and How they Need to be Done!

So that improvement can happen

People stay safe, Quality stays high, Avoid re-work



Name 3 ways to "Read a Room" OR a person you're communicating with?  

(What do you look for to see if the people/person is listening to you?)

Their Words

Their Tone

Their Body Language/Non-Verbals

Their Actions

Watch their follow-thru and follow-up


What do the A and the I stand for in the PAIR Feedback model?

A is for THE ACTION being coached

I is for the IMPACT that comes from changing a less favorable behavior OR continuing a particularly positive behavior.


When having a difficult conversation what can we do to avoid getting off track or keeping the conversation on topic? 

- Stick to the facts, using them as bumper rails as Chris Barber does when bowling

- Use the A.I.R. part of the pair feedback model

- Manage your emotions

- Other great ideas may be accepted by the judges.


Give 1 example from the last 2 years where you had beneficial impact by using the famous Larry Lines quote, "If you are aware of it, take care of it!"? 

Thank you for making it a better place to work! 


What happens when we do not accept accountability for our actions and the team? 

Loss of respect

Loss of Credibility

Loss of Morale

Loss of Impact and of The Why

Loss in the learning and the development


Share an ACTUAL event where you paused to collect your thoughts and prepare before delivering a difficult message. Tell how the result was improved by your preparation and what you did. 

In-person, an email, text, tailgate, a meeting, or other ...


Why can the ending with a REQUEST be so effective when providing either Positive or Developmental feedback?

Implies a Verbal Contract

Commitment to not let you down

It makes it "personal"

Creates greater awareness to do the Right Thing when and how it should be done.


Why are Difficult conversations needed to be had? 

Short term discomfort Vs. Long term Dysfunction


Fill in any of these blanks for 300 points: 

Effective communication is defined as: 

A (1) ________ of ideas, with a (2) _______ understanding so that (3) ______ can get done when and how it should be done.




(Bonus 200 pts if you had someone else at work say your communication has improved?)


Share an example over the last 6 - 12 months when you held yourself accountable or another person accountable and it was beneficial for the team.

Thank you from the team and the Individual


Share one example where you used your body language or non-verbals to help improve your communication? (You can OMIT the names involved if it's appropriate)

Nicely done - 400 Points!


What does the acronym P.A.I.R. Stand for when we discuss the Pair Feedback Model? 






When having a difficult conversation and the employee starts to get emotional what can you do to dial the situation back in? 

Stick to the facts. Everything we do will bring us closer or further from the goal of the conversation. 

Change the setting, the timing, those involved ...

Lower your tone, change your words, step back, change your posture ...


Avoid being a part of the problem by being...what? 

Being Part of the Solution!


Give an example over the last year where you were held accountable by someone in this room and it made you and the team better? 

Thank you from the team


Give one example over the last 2 years when you observed ANOTHER co-worker use any of our communication tools/approaches with a positive effect. OMIT names if helpful.  

Nice job observing the work of others.


Share with the team, 1 example where you have successfully used the PAIR feedback Model since it was introduced. How did using this feedback model help improve the result?

Well Done.

It work best for those who use it. 


Share one time when you helped a someone ELSE have, prepare for, or get thru a Difficult Conversation using Skills Development training. (please change or omit the names to protect the innocent.) 

Great job! Thank you! 


Who controls how you lead, how you react, what you say, what you do, and largely how you are perceived? Who will ever hold you back in our company? 

Only yourself. 


One key point discussed with accountably was 'We will only get what we are willing to accept.' 

List any 3 times/situations/examples when we have the opportunity to hold ourselves or others accountable?

After training or orientation, At a machine center, When you SEE something and say something, you realize you made a mistake, PM's being missed, SOPs are disregarded, Tailgates or after tailgates (depending upon the issue), Reviews, ETC.