What does a counselor do?
Problems & Concerns
Confidentiality/Other Important Stuff

What are some topics I may teach in your classroom? Name 2.

bullying prevention, respect, empathy, getting along with others (conflict resolution), careers, goal setting, mindfulness


What kind of problems can you talk to a counselor about?

Friendship problems, family problems, bullying, study skills, stress, feelings, academic concerns, when you are scared of feeling unsafe at home or at school.


What is confidentiality?

Confidentiality means that everything we talk about is private, that means it stays between you and I. The only times I may have to break confidentiality is if you have hurt someone, or are threatening to, if someone is hurting you, or if you are hurting yourself.


Can you see the school counselor if you have trouble in a class?



Is it ok to get angry?

Yes, everyone gets angry, it is what you do with your anger that is important.


Why would you come to see your counselor individually?

Having difficulty at home, school, with family, with friends, someone is bullying you or making you feel unsafe. You can also come just to chat! You do not need to have a problem or concern to come spend time with your counselor. 


What is an emergency?

An emergency is when you are being threatened or hurt at home or in school by someone, you lost a family member, something has happened to make you extremely upset (besides a friendship problem), or you are scared for your safety. 


Is Mrs. Theodorou allowed to tell your teachers and friends what you talk about in her office?

No!!! Except in cases where confidentiality needs to be broken which is when you are at risk of harming yourself.


What can you do to make sure you make good grades this year? Name two things.

Pay attention in class, complete all your school work and homework, follow directions, listen, study for tests, be organized.


Name ways to be a good friend.

What is respectful language, be a friend to them, be kind, etc.


Who can speak to the counselor?

Students, parents, teachers, anyone in the school who needs the counselor's help


What is another way you can solve a friendship problem besides talking to the counselor?

You can talk it out with a friend, ask another adult for help like your teacher or parent, apologize if you need to, share, take turns, compromise, negotiate a plan, move away from someone who is bothering you, use firm words, ignore, or be friendly.


What should you do if you are ever feeling overwhelmed or are struggling with something whether at school or home?

Tell an adult you trust.


What does having good attendance mean?

It means to be here and be on time. 


What is Glen Rock's mascot?



Name one other thing a counselor does besides talking to students individually.

Talk to parents and teachers, monitor grades, scheduling, testing, meeting with groups of students, attend meetings. Counselors wear many hats!


The adult in the building that will listen to your problems (and help you find solutions) is called the ____________.

School counselor! Although, other adults like your teachers, can be pretty helpful with problem solving!


Who are the other middle school counselors besides Mrs. Theodorou?

Ms. Hamilton (8th grade) and Ms. Abbitt (7th grade)

Mr. Wolff is the Director of Guidance

If Mrs. Theodorou is out of her office, one of the other counselors will happily help you!


Name some ways to study for a test.

getting someone to quiz you, making a study guide, rereading the material, going to see the teacher for extra help, study every day, start studying as soon as possible, cut out distractions while studying, review the day of the test


Who are our principal and vice principal?

Dr. Wirt and Mr. Pepe


How can you speak with your counselor?

You can always stop into the Guidance office before or after school, ask a teacher for a pass to Guidance, or come during study lunch. Mrs. Theodorou's loves when students come visit her! Just always remeber to sign in.


What can you do if you are feeling upset? Name one thing you can do.

Tell an adult at home, speak to your school counselor, write in your journal, ask for help


How many years will I be your counselor?

All throughout middle school! Three years!


Why is important to be organized?

Being organized helps you to find what you need, be able to turn in homework, make better grades, feel less stressed


Who are the main office secretaries?

Mrs. Kellerman and Mrs. Fairbourne