What is the longest a person has gone without sleeping?
449 hours (18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes)
What is nomophobia?
The fear of being without a mobile phone.
What year was ketchup invented?
What is the capital of New Jersey?
What do you call the colored part of the eye?
What is the longest time anyone ever spent swinging on a swing?
36 hours, 32 minutes
What is arachibutyrophobia?
Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
What year were Oreos invented?
What is the most populated city in New Jersey?
What color are Smurfs?
Joel Strasser is a a serial record breaker who’s known for gaining his record titles by decorating his beard with various objects. Name one of the items.
Candy canes (187), forks (126), chopsticks (520), paper straws (534), pencils (456)
What is pedophobia?
Fear of children.
What year was Jell-O invented?
What sport was played in New Jersey for the first time?
What is frequently called the red planet?
How far was the farthest throw of a washing machine?
14 feet, 7 inches
What is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
The fear of long words. (Isn't it ironic? Don't ya think?)
What year was Coca-Cola invented?
What is New Jersey's nickname?
The Garden State
What are the three primary colors?
Red, blue and yellow
How many different rubber ducks are in the largest collection in existence?
What is phobophobia?
The fear of phobias.
What year were Cheerios invented?
New Jersey has the most of these two locations out of anywhere else.
Diners and shopping malls
What color is the house the president lives in?