Definitions, Terms, and Self-Assessment
Alcohol and Other Drugs Education
Triggers, Cravings, and
Avoiding Relapse
Negative Emotions
Stress and emotional wellbeing Skills for Reducing Stress

this is a psychological defense mechanism that protects people from seeing the harsh realities of their addiction.

What is DENIAL? 

Didn't Even Notice I Always Lie


the level of these neurotransmitters temporarily rises, but when the person stops taking the drug, the level falls below normal, making the person feel depressed and anxious

What are Stimulants? (Aka Methamphetamines, amphetamine-related prescription pills (which include Ritalin and some diet pills), over-the-counter stimulant pills, caffeine, and nicotine. 



The 4 steps from Trigger to Relapse

What are Trigger, Thought, Craving, and Use? (Darlene smoked crack with her old dealer) 


Overwhelming guilt is a danger signal that

something is seriously __________.

What is wrong? (It is often a signal that self-help group work is almost necessary.) 


Frustrations, Pressures and Conflict 

What are 3 main types of Stress? 


The process in which

the same amount of a

substance no longer

causes the same reaction

What is Tolerance?


a severe break with reality when using powerful stimulants.  

What is Psychosis? 


related to the senses of sight,

sound, taste, and touch. 

What are Sensory Triggers 

(Music, powered Sugar, big smoke clouds)


This is the often the best way to overcome guilt. 

What is face up to it and make amends/apologize? 


This type of stress occurs when there are two opposing forces—one force against the other.

What are Conflicts? (going to a party where there will be alcohol and other drugs or staying at home and watching TV reruns.) 



Alcohol and other drugs can also cause an imbalance in (Hint: Chemical Messengers) 

What is Neurotransmitters?


Two primary groups of depressants

opioids and sedative-hypnotics


Some triggers can't be avoided therefore you will need to 

what is Interrupt them 


This type of guilt is mistakenly believed the problem is with themself and has a sense of "It is my fault."  

What is childhood Guilt? 


When obstacles block a person from reaching

a goal.

What is Frustrations? 


DSM 5 stands for ________ ________   _______

What is Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Raven answered this multiple times) 


PCP, LSD, Spice, and MDMA 

What are psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs?

This is the first step in dealing with Triggers 

What is Identifying them? 


Feeling down in the dumps, bummed out, discouraged, gloomy, and miserable and being sad after losing a job for a brief time is a

What is a normal reaction to loss?

Some people (Adults) use cope by acting childish or immature is called  

What is Regressing? 


Addiction is 

What is a primary, chronic, and progressive condition with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and outcome. It involves compulsion, loss of control, continued use despite negative consequences, and other symptoms. (AKA progressive.)


these types of drugs may distort the way a person feels and thinks, often making his or her thinking seem crazy. 

What are Psychedelics? 


Insecurities, Anger, Depressed, Sad, and Bored are examples of this type of triggers. 

What are Internal Triggers? 


"I did something bad." "I am something bad"

What is Guilt and Shame


denying painful or threatening thoughts, feelings, and memories. 

What is called Repressing