What is the Paleolithic era?
The time period classified before agriculture.
What is terrace farming?
This type of farming helped Early Chinese civilizations grow food.
What is Judaism?
One of the earliest monotheistic religions in human history.
Who is Ashoka?
This ruler led to the classical age of India.
What is the Silk Road?
This road helped cultural diffusion amongst the European World.
What are rivers/water/oceans/anything that means water?
This common geographic feature led to the earliest settlements of civilization.
What is mud-bricking?
This innovation helped build early houses
What is polytheistic?
This idea is of the belief in many gods.
What is periodization?
The process or study of dividing the past into periods of time and naming them.
Who is Shi-Huangdi?
This man united the Chinese empire and is responsible for the uniting of the Great Wall of China.
What are nomads?
Groups of people who would travel from place to place in search of food.
What is irrigation?
Early civilizations developed this innovation to get access to water.
What is Buddhism?
This religion acts more like a philosophy than a religion.
What is the Indian Ocean Complex?
This Ocean helped connect India with other civilization for trading.
Who ordered the burning of the books and murder?
Shi Huangdi did this to his enemies and philosophies who was against him.
How did Paleolithic people survive?
Paleolithic people were hunter-gatherers who lived in small groups and subsisted by hunting, fishing, and gathering plants.
What is the Tigris and Euphrates?
These two Rivers helped established the first civilizations
What is polytheistic/mythology?
The Greeks strongly believed in this type of religion.
What is Maurya and Gupta Empire?
These are the two empires that existed in Classical India.
What is Athens and Sparta?
These two city-states were the most prominent city-states in all of Greece, they were also very different.
What is the Neolithic Revolution?
The turning point in human history that allowed humans to grow food instead of hunt and gather.
What is the Code of Hammurabi?
This was the first law system in place known to human history, it discussed crime and punishments.
What are the Rig Veda, The Upsanishads, and Mahabharata/Bhagavad Gita?
These are the three religious texts associated with Hinduism.
What is Classical Civilizations?
Period of time in which complex civilizations expanded to establish large empires and were interconnected through trade than earlier civilizations. These civilizations made great contributions to our collective learning as a result of golden ages marked by prosperity. Most belief systems were established at this time.
What were the series of wars between Rome and Carthage?
Punic wars