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What is a major reason for the trend illustrated by the graph?

  1. the fall of communist governments in Eastern Europe

  2. the formation of oil cartels, such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  3. an increase in global interdependence resulting from modern technology and expanded trade agreements

  4. a general decline in the standard of living for people in developing countries

an increase in global interdependence resulting from modern technology and expanded trade agreements


Based on this map, which level of per capita income did most countries that were colonized in the 1800s and early 1900s have in 1998?

  1. Over $10,000

  2. $5,000-$10,000

  3. $1,000-$5,000

  4. Up to $1,000


Explain the historical circumstances that led to the developments shown in the graph.


 What was one effect of the trend illustrated by the graph?

  1. Manufacturing expanded to employ more people around the world.

  2. The availability of goods decreased around the world.

  3. The supply of natural resources around the world increased. 

  4. People in Asia became more isolated from the rest of the world.


 Based on this late 20th-century map, which conclusion is accurate?

  1. The worldwide distribution of wealth is unequal.

  2. Social mobility between social classes is increasing.

  3. The communist movement is growing.

  4. Economic self-sufficiency in less developed countries is increasing.


India's government pressured farmers to grow only high-yield wheat, rice and cotton instead of their traditional mix of crops. The thirsty crops needed much more water, so farmers had to dig wells and irrigate with groundwater.

The system worked well for years, but government studies show that farmers have pumped so much groundwater to irrigate their crops that the water table is dropping dramatically, as much as 3 feet every year. As the farmers dig deeper to find groundwater, they have to install ever more powerful and more expensive pumps to send it gushing up to their fields. A new pump costs more than $4,000. 

Another side effect of the groundwater crisis is salt residue. Drilling deep wells to find fresh water often taps brackish underground pools, and the salty water poisons the crops. Studies show that their intensive farming methods, which government policies subsidize, are destroying the soil. The high-yield crops gobble up nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, iron and manganese, making the soil anemic.

The farmers say they must use three times as much fertilizer as they used to, to produce the same amount of crops — yet another drain on their finances.

Identify the author’s point of view concerning changes in agriculture in India.


Based on the information in this chart, which country has the highest life expectancy? 

  1. Ireland

  2. Japan 

  3. Venezuela  

  4. Greece


An economist would find this document most useful for determining

  1. Why Western European countries are wealthier than Eastern European countries

  2. Which countries would benefit most from aid programs

  3. Which countries trade with one another

  4. Who owns the largest companies in each country


Identify and explain a cause-and-effect relationship associated with the historical developments in documents 1 and 2.


Which generalization can best be supported using the data in this chart?

  1. The more globalized a country is, the more literate its inhabitants are.

  2. The more interconnected a country is with other countries, the higher its life expectancy is.

  3. The higher population a country has, the more globalized it is.

  4. Countries in Europe and Asia have higher life expectancy that countries in South America.


Which statement best describes the author’s point of view?

  1. Nuclear proliferation occurs in all societies.

  2. Actions of one nation often affect other nations.

  3. Nuclear technology should be limited to the global superpowers.

  4. Most governments are critical of India's nuclear tests.