World War II
Cold War
This is the imaginary line that divided Europe into East & West after World War II. One side was communism. The other was capitalism and democracy.
Iron Curtain (25)
Fidel Castro in Cuba & the Sandinistas in Nicaragua both favored this type of economic system.
Communism (20)
These social classes were the major supporters of the Communist Revolution in China.
workers & peasants (4)
Define: human rights violations
Hurting people and/or taking away their freedom (23)
This was the name of the system in South Africa that kept races apart. There were 3 classes of race: white, colored, and black. This system was made illegal by F. W. de Klerk in 1990, and in 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first black President of South Africa.
Apartheid (11)
This was how the US forced Japan to surrender at the end of World War II.
Dropped 2 atomic bombs (on Hiroshima & Nagasaki) (12)
After the Korean War, North & South Korea remained divided. How is each side doing today?
North - poor, communist/dictator South - rich, capitalist/democratic (18)
This was Mao Zedong's opinion on women.
They should be equal to men (15)
This term refers to the systematic killing of an entire race/religion. The Holocaust was an example of this.
Genocide (10)
This Chinese leader is responsible for leading the Great Leap Forward & the Cultural Revolution
Mao Zedong (19)
This is the purpose of the United Nations
Resolve conflicts between nations peacefully (8)
Ho Chi Minh was the Communist leader in which country's civil war?
Vietnam (21)
This is how the economy responded to Deng Xioaping's Four Modernizations.
it expanded (got better) (2)
This term means to attempt to avoid conflict by giving the other side what it wants. Great Britain used this policy with Hitler, allowing him to have the Sudetenland if he promised he would not take anything else.
Appeasement (24)
This is why the Communists defeated the Nationalists in the Chinese Civil War. (What/who did Mao have on his side?)
promised land to the peasants (1)
This is why the Nuremberg Trials are considered an important event.
Punished those responsible for the Holocaust (22)
These were the 2 alliances that formed during the Cold War. One side was represented by Red and was communist, while the other side was represented by the color blue and was capitalist and democratic.
NATO & the Warsaw Pact (3)
This is how Stalin's 5-year plans were similar to Mao's Great Leap Forward.
both were attempts to increase agriculture & industry (7)
Define: bourgeoisie & proletariat
Bourgeoisie: rich, upper class Proletariat: poor, working class (14)
“Heaven and earth are great, but greater still is the kindness of the Communist Party; father and mother are dear, but dearer still is Chairman Mao.” What message did this quote send to the citizens of China?
Mao was more important than family and religion. (9)
In this way, Korea & Germany were similar after World War II.
They remained divided (during the Cold War) (6)
These 2 plans were used by the US during the Cold War to contain communism. One plan specifically gave money to countries in Europe in exchange for a promise to remain democratic.
Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan (17)
These are the 2 symbols of the communist party.
Hammer & sickle (13)
These were the groups of people the sickle & hammer represented.
sickle: farmers (peasants) & hammer: factory workers (5)
What 2 aspects of Chinese society were disrupted during the Cultural Revolution? (Hint: both begin with an "E.")
education & economy (16)