Learning about our Past
Neolithic Revolution
Origins of Civilization


1) objects made by humans

2) experts who study how people lived in the past

3) the study of humans, past and present 

4) the change from hunting and gathering to farming

2) experts who study how people lived in the past


What type of evidence would give a historian the best first-hand account of what occurred in the past?

1.  written documents

2.  clothing

3.  artwork

4.  tombstone etchings

1. written documents


5) Which of the choices was a significant advance of ancient civilizations that led to the images below?

  1. Adoption of religion

  2. Creation of writing

  3. A stable food supply

  4. Irrigation systems 

3. A stable food supply


10) One reason early civilizations developed in China, Egypt, and the Tigris-Euphrates Valley in Mesopotamia is because

  1. vast mineral deposits existed for manufacturing

  2. climate and geography favored agriculture

  3. rivers contributed to nomadic lifestyles

  4. natural barriers provided protection from invasions

2. climate and geography favored agriculture



1) experts who study how people lived in the past

2) objects made by humans

3) the way of life of a society

4) people who move from place to place in search of food

2) objects made by humans


4) Which was true of food-gathering societies in prehistoric times?

  1. Society was highly industrialized.

  2. The population tended to be small.

  3. The concept of private property was important.

  4. There was a system of mass production.

2. The population tended to be small.


6) Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. ____________________________
   A. Development of a stable food supply
   B. Establishment of permanent settlements
   C. Development of writing systems and religions

  1. Effects of the Migration of People

  2. Results of the Neolithic Revolution

  3. Achievements During Feudalism

  4. Causes of the Green Revolution in Agriculture

2. Results of the Neolithic Revolution


11) Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. _________________________________

A. Cities
B. Complex government
C. Job specialization
D. Writing system

  1. Examples of Early Technology

  2. Results of Cultural Diversity

  3. Characteristics of Civilizations

  4. Causes for the Neolithic Revolution

3. Characteristics of Civilizations


Define Neolithic Revolution.

Define Cultural Diffusion.

Neolithic Revolution - the change from hunting and gathering to farming

Cultural Diffusion - the spread of ideas, customs, and technology from one people to another


Based on this map, on which continent did humans first appear?

  1. Asia

  2. Europe

  3. North America

  4. Africa

4. Africa


Which revolution led to the development of these civilizations?

  1. Industrial

  2. Neolithic

  3. Green

  4. Commercial

2. Neolithic


Which title best completes this diagram?

  1. Elements of a Civilization

  2. Features of a Nomadic Lifestyle

  3. Basic Components of the Paleolithic Age

  4. Human Life 50,000 Years Ago

1. Elements of a Civilization


Define culture.

Define nomads.

Culture - the way of life of a society

Nomads - people who move from place to place in search of food


2) Recent archaeological studies suggest the theory that

  1. the earliest humans evolved in the Rift Valley in Africa

  2. farming societies developed before hunting and gathering societies

  3. all the continents were settled at about the same time

  4. the wheel was used by all ancient societies

1. the earliest humans evolved in the Rift Valley in Africa


8) Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. ___________________________________

A. Surplus of food
B. Rise of cities
C. Job specialization
D. Development of new technology

  1. Results of the Fall of Rome

  2. Effects of the Neolithic Revolution

  3. Reasons for the Puritan Revolution

  4. Causes of the Bantu Migration

2. Effects of the Neolithic Revolution


13) Which geographic feature was common to the development of civilizations in ancient Egypt, China, India, and Mesopotamia?

  1. river valleys

  2. deserts

  3. rain forests

  4. mountains

1. river valleys


Define Archaeology.

Define Anthropology.

Archaeology - the study of past people and cultures through their material remains

Anthropology - the study of humans, past and present


3) Discoveries by the Leakeys and other archaeologists have provided evidence that

  1. humans have existed for only 1,000 years

  2. early humans lived in eastern Africa

  3. early humans failed to invent tools

  4. river valleys hindered cultural development

early humans lived in eastern Africa


What is the best title for this diagram?

  1. Elements of Belief Systems

  2. Characteristics of Classical Civilizations

  3. Benefits of the Counter Reformation

  4. Changes during the Neolithic Revolution

2. Changes during the Neolithic Revolution


14) Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. ______________________________

A. Centralized governments
B. Organized religions
C. Social classes
D. Specialization of labor

  1. Economic Development in Ancient Egypt

  2. Cultural Diffusion in Mohenjo-Daro

  3. Features of the Old Stone Age

  4. Characteristics of Civilizations

4. Characteristics of Civilizations