Historical Thinking & Intro to Civilizations
River Valley Civilizations

These regions below are considered to be:

  • Africa

  • Antarctica 

  • Asia

  • Europe 

  • North America

  • Oceania 

  • South America

What are continents?


Societies that come into frequent contact with others are more likely to participate in this exchange.

What is cultural diffussion?


This is also known as a change in lifestyle from hunting and gathering to cultivating and permanent settlement.

What is The Neolithic Revolution?


The geographic feature that the earliest civilizations in Egypt, India, and China have in common.

What is a river valley?


An issue that exists across time.

What is an enduring issue?


The features below can be categorized as: 

  • Mountains

  • Rivers 

  • Forests

  • Deserts

What are Geographic Characteristics?


This sometimes referred to as "a blueprint for living'' because it includes everything that contributes to a society's development.

What is culture?


Based on the images, we are addressing the _______________ of the Neolithic Revolution.

What is The Changes of the Neolithic Revolution?


The writing systems used by: Ancient Egyptians and in Mesopotamia, which provided the basis for the development of recorded history.

What is hieroglyphics and cuneiform?


Terrace farming, building bridges, and constructing canals are ways in which various societies have:

What is Modifying the Environment?


According to the map: Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism originated in this continent.

What is Asia?


According to the political cartoon, the sources could make a historians job difficult due to…

What is bias?


The effects of this revolution are: 

  • Development of a stable food supply 

  • Establishment of permanent settlements 

  • Development of writing systems and religions

What are The Results of the Neolithic Revolution


The Euphrates, Indus, Nile, and Tigris valleys became centers of early civilization is because these valleys had the means for irrigation and _______________.

What is irrigation and transportation?


The first question (document) on a CRQ is always in reference to one of these two things.

What is: 

  • Historical Circumstances (Context)

  • Geographical Circumstances (Context) 


According to the map, humans originated on this continent.

What is Africa?


Based on the image, this is an advancement that contributed a steady food supply to the civilization.

What is: 

  • Domestication

  • Job Specialization

  • Technology


Cave paintings would suggest that ___________________ can provide an understanding of history.

What is art?


Ancient peoples of the Nile River valley built levees, dikes, and reservoirs to help increase _________________ production in their society.

What is increase agriculture production?


Hammurabi’s Code, the Ten Commandments, and the Five Relationships were significant to their societies because it established a code of ____________________.

What is a code of behavior?


These categories: 

  • The world in spatial terms 

  • Places and regions 

  • Environment and society 

  • Human and physical systems

… relate to one another because…

What are the elements of geography?


According to the text and your knowledge of social studies, ideas of religion may spread rapidly through…

.. The Buddha is reported to have exhorted [urged] his monks to "go and travel around for the welfare of the multitudes, for the happiness of the multitudes, out of sympathy for the world, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans. No two should go in the same direction." Although this last admonition [caution] seems not to have been heeded [obeyed], it is true that Buddhist "missions" were not large and well-organized movements, and instead often took the form of itinerant monks (or groups of monks) traveling by land and sea in the company of traders and royal emissaries. According to traditional accounts, the first foreign mission was to the island of Sri Lanka, and was led by the son of Asoka....

What are missions?

Cultural Diffusion*


Complex society with cities, organized government and a system of writing.

What is civilization?

According to the map, the Middle Kingdom of Assyria was located in this ancient region.

What is the fertile crescent?


Archaeological studies show evidence of these ancient cities show evidence of urban planning

What is Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa?