the analysis of the burden of disease using multiple disciplines
What is Biosocial Analysis
what passes as knowledge in society whether valid or not
What is Social Reconstruction of Reality
Coined the term "Social Reconstruction of Reality"
What is Berger and Luckmann
subjective experience of a disease by the individual or society
What is Illness
Humanitarian Response in Eastern Congo erupts into further genocide of the Tutsi
What is Unintended Consequences of Purposive Action
The difference in the burden of health from one place to another
What is Health Disparities?
Knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation, normalized, habitualized, and objectified in society
What institutionalization of knowledge
Coined the terms " Unintended Consequences of Purposive Action "
What is Robert Merton
Objective definition of an ailment by the biological and medical field
What is disease
Death from treatable diseases as a result of lack of medical care
What is Social Suffering?
What is Unintended Consequences of Purposive Action
How institutions and legitimized knowledge shape the agency of individuals
What is Rationalization of the World
What is Michael Foucault
The population's experience of a disease
Staff, Stuff, Space, Systems
What is The 4S for controlling an epidemic
Modern Law and organized institutions
What is Bureaucracy?
bureaucracies which stifle common sense, innovation, and human decency
What is Iron Cage
Social Suffering
What is Kleinman, Das, Lock
The study of the causes and effects of diseases
What is Pathology
The use of cultural anthropology to understand how the Ebola outbreak was spread through cultural practices (burials, care-giving)
What is Biosocial Analysis
form of governmentality that deals with life
What is Biopower
how social power inflict pain and illness on people, and how they shape the response to such suffering
What is Social Suffering
the networks of relationships and communities in
which we live and experience social life
What is Local Worlds
the structured way in which suffering is propagated and housed
What is Structural Violence
Prisoners with TB going untreated in prisons
What is Structural Violence?