How long did the cold War last?
46 years
How logn did Porfirio Diaz last in the mexican Presidence?
30 years
Where was the location of the Twin Towers?
New York city in the U.S
In what year was Alexander the Great born?
He was born in 356 B.C
When did the second world war begin?
When did begin the Cold War?
At the end of the WW2 in 1945
Which military states were comanded by Porfirio Diaz?
Oaxaca, Tlaxcala, Veracruz and Puebla
How many planes did crash ?
2 againts the Twin towers and one in the Pentagon
x 2
Who was the famous tutor of Alexander the Great?
Mention two causes of the WW2
Unresolved tensions in the aftermath of World War I.
The rises of fascism in Europe
Militarism in Japan.
When did the Cold war end?
In December 1991 due the political dissolution of the Soviet Union
What did Porfirio Diaz implement in Mexico during his goverment?
Railways, schools, telegraph, networks, science, architecture and the princliples of the oil industry
How many people died in the attack?
What city was funded bye Alexander the Great in Egipt?
What was World War II?
It was a global military conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945.
What were the two main blocks during the Cold War?
The western block led by the U.S and the eastern block led by the Soviet Union
Who did name Porfirio Diaz as Division General and give him military command?
Benito Juarez
When did the attack to the Twin Towers occur?
On september 11, 2001
How old was Alexander the Great when he assumed the crown?
He was 20 years old
What were the main blocks that faced each other in the Second World War?
Allies and Axies
Mention two causes of the Cold War
The ideological oposition
The anti-comunist statment
The anti-capitalist propaganda
What was the ¨Porfiriato¨?
It was a moment in mexican history where the goberment was under total control of Porfirio Diaz
What were the consecuenses of the attack to the WTC?
The deaths of thousand people and the war agaist Al Qaeda
How and when Alexander the Great died?
He died in 323 B.C in Babilonia posibly caused for a fever or some illness
What territory was attacked in December 1941, Japan attacked?
American and British territories in Asia and the Pacific, including at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii,