Types of Government
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Dude, where's my Civilization?
War and Peace
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This type of government, in which citizens elect representatives to make laws, was used both in Ancient Rome and the United States

What is a Republic?

I'm not your average Macedonian guy, I like long walks on the beach, Hellenism, and conquering the former Persian Empire
Who is Alexander the Great?

Located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, this early river valley civilization was home to dozens of powerful city-states, such as Babylon, Ur, and Assur

What is Mesopotamia?


The Mongol conquest of the Silk Road ushered in this golden age of peace and prosperity. Without it, Marco Polo would have never made it from Italy to China

What is the Pax Mongolica?


After graduating from Wagner High School, Mr. Passalacqua attended this popular CUNY college

What is the College of Staten Island?


In this type of government, synonymous with Ancient Athens, citizens vote directly on key issues in their society

What is Democracy?


My perfect Sunday? Brunch, revising Roman legal codes, and maybe some reconquering of the former Western Roman Empire

Who is Justinian the Great?


Took a wrong turn at the Balkan peninsula and ended up in this mountainous society composed of both a peninsula and an archipelago. Maybe I'll stop in Athens or Sparta for directions

What is Greece


This 200-year period of peace and stability for the Roman Empire began with the rise of Augustus and ended with the Crisis of the Third Century

What is the Pax Romana


Before getting hired at Tottenville as a Social Studies teacher, Mr. Passalacqua worked as a bartender at this well-known local German Restaurant. He's sorry if you think it's the wurst...

What is Killmeyer's Old Bavaria Inn?


This ... is ... the form of government practiced in Ancient Sparta, in which a small elite ruled society and made all of the major decisions  

What is Oligarchy?


Yes, he once declared himself dictator for life, but he's just looking for someone to share a nice salad with

Who is Julius Caesar?


Mamma Mia! I had to cross both the Alps and the Apennines to arrive at the center of Roman Civilization on this peninsula... remember, if you've hit the heel of the boot, you've gone too far

What is Italy?


According to legend, Rome salted the earth around this powerful city at the end of the Punic Wars. As a result, the Romans never had to worry about elephants in the Alps again

What is Carthage?


This type of music is Mr. Passalacqua's favorite to play when you are working independently, Queen Charlotte might think it's a bop

What is the Bridgerton Soundtrack?


A society ruled by a Shogun, such as Japan during the Edo period, would be known as this kind of government 

What is a Shogunate?


Looking for someone who enjoys horseback riding, vast open steppes, and doesn't mind a little light pillaging now and again. And please, call me Temüjin

Who is Genghis Khan?


If you keep walking east from the Mediterranean, go past the Middle east and Persia, eventually you'll arrive at this enormous civilization, home of the Mauryan, Gupta, and Mughal Empires

What is India?


According to the Greek historian Thucydides, this war began due to the rise of Athens and the fear that this inspired in its rival, Sparta

What is the Peloponnesian War?


Author of 11/22/63, It, and The Shining, he is Mr. Passalacqua's favorite author

Who is Stephen King?


The term for the united Islamic Empires, such as the Umayyad and the Abbasid, that followed in the centuries after the death of Muhammad

What is a Caliphate?


This King of the Franks is looking for someone to join him in spreading education and culture across his empire. As a bonus, he was crowned Emperor by the Pope on Christmas day, 800 CE.

Who is Charlemagne?

Unless you have a horse and a yurt, you may have a hard time finding the home of this nomadic civilization based on the Eurasian Steppe. Well, unless you are living between 1200 to 1300 -- in that case, they may visit you first

Who are the Mongols?


Jerusalem was the primary target of this series of military invasions of the Holy Land, which started after Pope Urban II's Speech at the Council of Clermont.  

What are the Crusades?


Mr. Passalacqua's favorite band. Here's a hint: Their Genre is Pop Punk. Second hint: The band name is three words long. Third hint: The name sounds like it would accompany your favorite movie, but it doesn't

Who is Motion City Soundtrack?