This Greek god is known as the king of gods and is the god of the sky and thunder.
This famous Roman invention helped move water from where it was to where it was needed within cities.
This man is considered the founder of Christianity and is believed by Christians to be the Son of God.
Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth
The first thing I should do on any stimulus based multiple choice question is to....
Read the question and all answer choices
I should try to write about ____ sentences when writing a historical and/or geographical context short response.
3-4 sentences
This philosopher is famous for saying "Know thyself:" and was sentenced to death for his ideas. His method of questioning is used in many science and ELA classes.
This famous Roman feat of engineering helped the Roman army to quickly move around and defend its large empire.
Networks of concrete roads
This famous emperor helped spread Christianity when he converted to it.
The answer for a stimulus based multiple choice question must be based on....
The document or source
A historical and/or geographical context short response must go in _____ order.
This type of government meaning "rule by the people" was created in ancient Athens.
This type of government in Rome allowed citizens to elect leaders and have a say in laws.
When the Roman Emperor issued this famous proclamation he made it legal for Romans to practice the religion.
Edict of Milan
I can find information about a document like who created and when in the _____ _____.
Source line
True or False: When writing a historical and/or geographical context short response, I need to write about the document and use quotes from it.
False: No, the document is only there to remind you about the topic. You will write about the background that someone would need to know to understand the topic.
This famous temple in Athens was built in honor of the goddess Athena.
The Parthenon
This large Roman structure was used for gladiator contests and public events, such as animal hunts and mock battles.
The Colosseum
The religions teaching religion focus on.... (name three)
peace, love, forgiveness, compassion, hope, faith
What should I do with the answer on a stimulus based multiple choice question before choosing one.
Try and eliminate any poor answer choices.
True or False: If you don't remember much about the topic of a historical and/or geographical context short response you can look back at the multiple choice questions to see if anything jogs your memory.
True: Yes! Use what the test gives you!
The Peloponnesian War was fought by these two famous Greek city-states, one of which was a warrior society while the other focused on education and culture.
Athens and Sparta
This geographic feature helped Rome travel to new places and to conquer new lands and people. (Be Specific!)
The Mediterranean Sea
The death of Jesus on the cross at the hands of the Romans and the belief that he later rose from the dead are known as the....
Crucifixion and Resurrection
I know my answer to a stimulus based multiple choice question is right if....
I can find evidence in the document/source.
What are two things that you should try to include in your response?
Who was involved, what happened, where it happened, when it happened, why the events happened