Human Rights
Culture and Intellectual Life
Leader of India's independence movement against Britain
What is Mohandas Gandhi?
This revolution led to the first settlements, which were simple villages
What is Neolithic Revolution?
The term for a Indian in the British army when India was under British rule; these troops led a rebellion against the British East India company, leading to direct British/Crown control of India.
What is a sepoy?
This term refers to the attempted destruction of an entire race or ethnic group
What is "genocide"?
This legal code from ancient Mesopotamia (Babylon) formed a basis of Roman Law, Justinian's Code, English Common Law, and even influenced our legal system.
What is Hammurabi's Code?
Gandhi's approach to fighting for independence from Britain
What is "non-violent resistance"?
After this series of wars between the Ottoman Empire and Europeans, trade began in Europe and serfs moved to towns to trade and become free.
What is the Crusades?
The Salt March is an example of civil disobedience against __________ (Imperial Power), led by __________________ (leader), who was trying to gain independence for _________ (colony)
What is Britain(Imperial Power), Gandhi (Leader) India (Colony)?
This is the term for segregation of people of color and white South Africans.
What is "apartheid"?
One of this ancient civilization's city-states developed the concept of democracy. What is the civilization and the city state?
What is Greek (civilization) and Athens (city state)?
Method used by Otto von Bismarck to unify the several German speaking kingdoms into one Empire in the 1870s
What is "blood and iron"?
Before the Industrial Revolution in England, many peasants lost their farms when large landowners took over the strips of land they had traditionally farmed. What was the term for this take-over?
What is the Enclosure Movement?
This event signaled the end of Shogun rule and the beginning of modernization in Japan.
What is the Meiji Restoration?
British control of the wheat crop and unwillingness to use it to feed the masses during the ___________ ___________ ______________ led to great numbers of deaths, suffering, and emigration to places such as the US in the 1840s.
What is the Irish Potato Famine?
The terms/ideas of a republic, dictator, senate, veto, and also a published code of laws called the Twelve Tables of Law, came from this ancient civilization. Its language is a root of many of the modern European languages. And Christianity became its official religion before it declined, leading to its spread throughout the world.
What is Rome?
Leader of Kenya's independence movement
What is Jomo Kenyatta?
Where did English peasants move to as a consequence of the Enclosure Movement?
What is towns/cities
Japan took over parts of China, Russia, Korea, and the Dutch East Indies to gain access to ______ _____________ for industrialization
What is raw materials
In the USSR, this leader conducted purges of all people who opposed him, and caused massive starvation in the Ukraine, where people opposed the government takeover of farms (collectivization)
What is Josef Stalin?
Identify the Enlightenment Philosophers who came up with or promoted the following: social contract _______;separation of powers _____________, freedom of speech ___________
What is social contract: Locke or Rousseau; Separation of powers: Baron Montesquieu; Freedom of speech: Voltaire
Term for Jewish nationalism which led to the creation of Israel in the Middle East
What is Zionism?
In developing nations such as India, China, and many African nations, are traditional values more or less strongly held in cities?
What is less strongly held?
This Empire used a system of roads and organized its military into legions to control the Mediterranean and much of Europe.
What is Rome?
This country lost millions of its educated citizens in the the so-called killing fields created by the Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot. Anyone who knew a foreign language was condemned to death.
What is Cambodia?
Arab/Muslims believed that ideas were powerful, and trade was important. In fact Arab traders brought these two mathematical ideas from the Gupta Empire (India) and used them in the Arab development of Al-gebra.
What is the concept of zero and Arabic numerals (i.e. 1, 2, 3, . . . .to replace the Roman numerals I, II, III)?