French Revolution
Industrial Revolution
The sea that Cathrine the Great captured and gave Russia trade year round.
What is The Black Sea
"Revolt is the right of the people"
Who is John Locke
technically a philosophy, originally started in China, and states that people should respect their elders (filial piety)
What is Confucianism
The food that the French presents where in need of and is the main reason of the French Revolution
What is bread
what has to happen for an Industrial Revolution to begin
What is the Agricultural Revolution
separated China from Southern Asia and gave China ethnocentism
What is the Gobi Desert
Abby Sieyes' quote about the 3rd Estate
What is "What is the 3rd Estate? Everything. What has it been until now in the political order? Nothing. What does it want to be? Everything."
originally started in Jerusalem, the founder is Christ, believe heaven, Jesus is the son of God, and the 10 commandments (Moral Code)
What is Christianity
When the delegates from the 3rd Estate went next door to the palace of Versailles and said that they weren't going to leave until they made a document stating all of there rights
What is the Tennis Court Oath
the group of people who benefited most
Who are the factory owners
the Incans carved steps form thee crops into these to water them and helped with irrigation
What are the Andes Mountains
"Not throught speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided - that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849 - but by iron and blood."
Who is Otto von Bismark's quote
originally started in India, is polytheistic, was created in 2000 B.C., believe Gods assume many forms, there is a connection between reincarnation and the caste system (Dharma)
What is Hinduism
The year of the Reign of Terror, when 40000 people lost there heads including the king, the Committee of Public Safety is also formed
What is 1793
this stopped women and children from getting abused in factories said that children under 9 years old couldn't work, and said children had to get at least 2 hours of schooling
What is the Factory Act of 1833
island that is Communist, and in 1962 the USSR (Russia) placed missiles there
What is Cuba
Martin Luther's quote about his 95 thesis
What is "I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me god. Amen
started in India, 5th century B.C.E, founded by Siddhartha Gautama, believe suffering is caused by desires and suffering can end by following the 8-Fold Path, believe in reincarnation and Nirvana
What is Buddhism
this is what Napoleon helps overthrown in 1799, he sets up a 3 - man government known as the Consulate
What is the weak Directory
the man who didn't abuse his employees, gave them reasonable pay, and housing to them and their families if needed
Who is Robert Owen
located in Southern Africa, very large and sandy
What is Kalahari Desert
"All who die by the way, whether by land or sea or in battle against the pagans, shall have immediate remissions of sins."
Who is Pope Urban II
started in Japan in 660 B.C.E, believe all things have souls, the physical world is important, and people can exist along with other religions
What is Shintoism
The year that Napoleon became commander of the Italian army and had many victories against Austria.
What is 1796
a cause from the factories that made the air and water unhealthy to breathe and drink for animals
What is pollution