The North
Battles & Military Strategy
The Confederacy
Emancipation Proclamation
Events off the battle field

Maryland was an important state for the Union to have on its side because of its access to this city.

What is Washington, D.C. (Without MD, the Union would have no direct access to its capital.)


The First Battle of Bull Run was a victory for which side? 

What is the Confederacy. The Union was doing well early in the battle. But when the Confederate reinforcements arrived, the inexperienced Union troops panicked and retreated. The Confederacy did not give chase. People had come to watch the battle, and both soldiers and civilians clogged the road away from the battlefield. 


The draft for military service in the Confederacy eventually went as high as this age (ie the upper age limit that men could be drafted to fight at). 

What is 50 years old.


The Emancipation Proclamation is issued in what year.

What is 1863. (On January 1.)


What American right did Lincoln suspend due to his wartime Presidential war powers?

What is habeus corpus. Consitutionally it was unclear who possessed the right to suspend habeus corpus. Suspending this right meant that prisoners could be held without charge. After the war the Supreme Court ruled that the accused could not be brought before military tribunals when civil courts were operating.


This length of time elapsed between President Lincoln's election and the first Southern state seceded from the Union.

What is one month.


This Union commander in the Eastern front was great at training his troops and had their support but he never wanted to actually go into battle. He tended to delay and overestimate the size of the enemy's troops. 

Who is McClellan.

Planters resisted this method to raise funds for the Confederacy.

What is higher taxes. 

The emancipation proclamation only freed enslaved people in areas under ___________ control.

What is Confederate. (Lincoln is acting in his role as a military commander. Enslaved people are not yet freed in any of the border states loyal to the Union nor in any Southern areas already controlled by the Union.)


Women entered 3 fields of work during the Civil War that had formerly been dominated by men: Retail Sales, white-collar clerks in government officers and _____.


This number of enslaved people were in states allied with the Union.

What is 400,000. (This is compared to 4 million enslaved people in the states aligned with the Confederacy.)


The Union's Anaconda Plan called for 1) the Army of the Potomac to defend the capital Washington, D.C. and put pressure on the Confederate capital in Richmond; 2) for other supporting Armies to move up inland routes and take control of the Mississippi and thereby divide the Confederate areas, and 3) ______________. 

What is the Federal Navy’s blockade of southern ports to cut off the Confederacy’s access to foreign goods and weapons.


Southern states could choose to refuse to send _____, money, and supplies to the Confederacy. 

What is men/soldiers. The central government of the Confederacy was larger than the centralizing influences in the Old South but still left more control to states than did the Union. 


Most enslaved people in the South were not free until what year.

What is 1865. Because most enslaved people were located behind Confederate lines in areas not controlled by the Union, most did not gain freedom until almost 3 years after the emancipation proclamation.


This woman was a clerk in the Patent Office and helped to organize supply lines and nursed soldiers. She later started the American Red Cross. 

Who is Clara Barton.


These people, Northern opponents of the war, were given a name representing poisonous snake that strike without warning.

What is Copperheads.

Traditional muskets were replaced by this weapon/gun type. 

What is the rifle.


This number of men eventually deserted the Confederate army. 

100,000. These men were largely non-slaveholders. Since some farms had food seized by the Confederate army, many of these deserters sought to return to their families to ensure that their families did not starve. 


Black men did serve in this branch of the military prior to the Emancipation Proclamation.

What is service on Union warships. Sailors were one of few careers open to free black men prior to the war. 


Enslaved people who escaped to the front lines of the war were not returned to the South. Instead they were considered __________. 

"Contraband". This is defined as: " " 


A Draft Riot in this city in 1863 (with rioting largely by Irish people) led to an assault on draft offices, mansions of wealthy Republicans, and an attack on the city's Black population. 

What is New York City


What is the name (ie composed of a number and State name) of the famous regiment of free Black men was formed of soldiers throughout the north and served as the basis of the story behind the film Glory with Denzel Washington?

What is the 54th Massachusetts.


This general for the Confederacy was killed accidentally by his own men.

Who is Stonewall Jackson.


As a result of the Emancipation Proclamation's action to enlist Black men how many Black men had served by the end of the war? 

What is 200,000. -- More than 180,000 Black men had served in the Army.  An additional 24,000 Black men had served in the Navy. One-third of these men died due to battle, resulting wounds or due to disease (rampant in the military camps).