The land of Mesopotamia sits between these two ancient rivers.
Tigris & Euphrates Rivers
Alexander the Great would have continued conquering more territory, but ran into this problem with his army.
They were tired of fighting and wanted to go home.
This term could be used to describe a professional of some kind who is hired to work in an area or location they are not connected to.
What does the skillet eat on its birthday?
Please describe the elements of a centrally planned economy?
Government control and ownership over an economy.
This emperor of Rome was the first convert to Christianity.
Rome's emperors often came to power because of this (term meaning people get their job based on who they are related to or are friends with)
What has four wheels and flies?
Garbage Truck
This is the end goal that all Hindus are trying to reach in their journey through the caste system.
This man was the first emperor of Rome. His leadership entered Rome into the Pax Romana golden age.
Augustus (Octavian)
Taxation or inflation.
How do you make 7 even?
Briefly explain 4 of the 5 pillars of Islam.
Journey to Mecca, Statement of Faith, Give Charity, Ramadan Holy Month, & Prayer 5 Times a Day.
This man was credited with being the founder of the Buddhist religion, and the first Buddha himself.
Siddhartha Gautama
These were a set of law codes in the Roman Republic that were physically posted in the forum for all citizens to see.
How much does a chimney cost?
Nothing, its on the house.