Challenges of Women in Global Economy
Important Vocabulary
Political Aspects of Women

Name any challenge/issue that women face in the economy

Answers may vary


Gender Pay Gap

What is women being paid less for the same amount of work and quality of work as men.

Women find a harder time receiving a good education and job as compared to men due to the _________ on them which makes people think of them with less value.

What is Prejudices


This is the reason to discrimination against women in the job market (how do these employers view women as)

What is Inferior in quality of work to men (answers may vary)


Employment Equality

What is equal pay for the same amount of work and treating workers as equal value based purely on their skills and their work done

This country was the latest country in allowing women to vote.

What is Saudi Arabia


Often times women typically in developing countries are restricted to education and earning their own money due to these.

What is Cultural/Traditional norms


Traditional/Cultural norms

What is sets of behaviors and beliefs shared by members of a society or group of people.


This is the only nation that does not allow have women to have power to vote

What is Vatican City


Expectations on unpaid labor such as childcare and household jobs for women at a younger age reduces women's opportunity to this:

What is an Education


Empowerment of Women

What is putting more women in position and power of decision making in society


This was the year that latest country implement rights towards women being able to vote.

What is the year 2008


The current gender pay gap in Canada.

What is a woman earns 16% less than a man does


WIEGO (Women in informal employment: Globalizing and organizing organization)

What is a non government organization which protects and brings the benefits of globalization to workers that are not in a large company/informal employment by connecting them global trade unions to protect their workers’ interests.


The statistic towards how many women have been assaulted in any form.

What is every 1 in 3 women