Trade Deficits

Make a successful deal with Canada for more lumber. What will you choose to trade with them? 

A) Electronics 

B) Coal

The correct answer is B. If you picked A you lose 100 points. 


Oh no! Brazil has put tariffs on our country for bananas. What are you going to do? 

A) Find a new country to import bananas to the US

B) Start a trade war against Brazil

The correct answer is A, it is best to find more resources. If you got this wrong, your country is now failing, and you now have no bananas from Brazil. (lose 100 points)


Trade between countries that are open to each other for international commerce, with fewer restrictions and taxes on goods exchanged. 

What is the vocabulary word for this definition? 

A) Free trade

B) Exports

C) Tariffs

Free trade. If you got this wrong, you lose 100 points. 


Your country is getting more imports than what they are exporting. Canada starts complaining about what little resources they are getting from us. How will you resolve this issue? 

A) Start exporting more to other countries

B) Keep all our resources to ourselves

C) Ignore Canadas complaints 

A is the correct answer. If you got this wrong you lose 100 points. 


Your country is running low on coal you need to make a successful trade with Mexico. What will you trade with them to get coal? 

A) Lumber

B) Gold


A if the correct answer. If you did not get this right you have lost value. (Lose 100 points)


China has put tariffs on us. What are you going to do?

A) Ignore it

B) Try to reason with them

B is the correct answer. If you picked A you lose 100 points. 


Canada is sending the US lumber. What would this be considered?

A)Supply Chain

B) World Trade Organization


Exports is the correct answer. If you got this wrong you lose 100 points. 


Canada is giving us 100 lumber monthly, we are only giving them 85 coffee monthly. They are complaining about how they want 250 of coffee monthly. What will you do. 

A) give them the 250 coffee monthly

B) give them only 200 monthly

C) do not raise the amount of coffee we give them

A is the correct number. If you picked B or C you lose 100 points. 


You are running low on metal. You need to make a successful trade with China. What two resources will you trade with them?

A)  Brands 

B) Electronics 

C) Coffee

D) Lumber

 A and C are the correct answers. If you pick the wrong answer you lose 100 points. 


We put tariffs on Australia for their seafood. They are not happy and want to negotiate with us. What should we say? 

A) No negotiating 

B) We will give you some meat if you keep supplying us with fish 

C) Okay, we won't put tariffs on you

B is the correct answer. If you got it wrong you lose 100 points.


Increasing interaction of people, states, or countries through the growth of the international flow of trade, ideas, and culture. 

What is the vocabulary word for this definition? 



Globalization is the correct answer. If you got this wrong you lose 100 points.


Peru has been giving us 100 metal we have been giving them 100 electronics. Who is exporting more than they are importing?

A) Peru has been exporting more to us than they have been receiving

B)We are exporting more to Peru than they are importing to us

C) Its equal

B is the correct answer. If you got this wrong you lose 100 points. 


Your country is in desperate need of more brands of cars and clothes. You need to trade with France. What will you trade?

A) Metal

B) Coffee

C) Gold

The correct answer is B. If you picked A you lost value. (lose 100 points)


South Korea is putting tariffs on us. What will you do?

A) Argue with the president 

B) Try to reason with them

C) It doesn't matter 

B is the correct answer. If you got this wrong you lose 100 points.


China is putting a 10% tax on the US. What would this be considered? 

A) Commerce 

B) Tariffs

C) European Union 

B is the correct answer. If you chose A or C you lose 100 points. 


Norway is supplying us with 400 Brands, in return we supply them with 150 coal. 1. Is this fair? 2. If not pick what best describes how it is unfair. 


A) No, this is not fair

B) Yes, this is fair


A) Norway is giving us more resource value than we are giving them. 

B) We are giving Norway more resource value than we are getting 

C) This is fair. 

The correct answer for 1 is A and the correct answer for 2 is A. If you got one wrong you lose 50 points if you got both wrong you lose 100 points


Your country needs more Electronics. You need to make an effective trade with South Korea. What will you trade? (There are 2 correct answers)

A) Metal

B) Coal

C) Coffee 

B and A are the correct answers. If you guessed C you lose 100 points. 


We have put tariffs on France. They are trying to reason with us. What will you do?

A) Reason with them 

B) Raise the tariffs

C) Just completely drop the tariffs  

A is the correct answer. If you got this wrong you lose 100 points.


A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other nations, especially the political affairs of other countries.

What is the vocabulary word for this definition? 

A) Outsourcing

B) Isolationism

C) Tariffs

D) Exports

Isolationism is the correct answer. If you got this wrong you lose 100 points.


We are giving Brazil 100 of electronics and they are giving us 100 of brands. 1. Is this fair? 2. If not pick what would be the best option to make it fair. 


A) Yes, this is fair

B) No, this is not fair


A) To make this fair they would have to give us 200 brands 

B) To make it fair they would have to give us 150 brands

C) This is already fair

For 1 the answer is B, for 2 the answer is A. if you got one wrong you lose 50 points if you got both wrong you lose 100 points.