1640-1890 European powers colonized
territories for raw materials to use in
What was the Age of Imperialism?
The belief of “survival of the fittest”
countries, stronger countries can (and
should) take over weaker countries
Social Darwinism
How did the decline in Ottoman power encourage
Created a power vacuum – lots of
uncontrolled territories
Last dynasty before imperialism – Muslim
Mughal Dynasty
Rush to imperialize Africa for resources
Scramble for Africa
Using militaries to invade weaker countries
and take over politically and economically
the process of imperialism?
Prime Minister of the Cape Colony
Cecil Rhodes
Why did the Russians attack the Ottoman empire
during the Crimean War?
They wanted control over the
Orthodox population of the Ottomans
British company that traded in and ruled India
East India Company
Defeated Italians by modernizing
Ethiopia Resistance
True or False, the effects of
imperialism can still be felt today.
Poem with the message that Europe IS
OBLIGATED to colonize non-white
societies to show them how to be civilized
“The White Man’s Burden” Rudyard
Why was there “the Great Game” over
Muslim-Controlled Mughal India?
Both Russian and British empires
wanted it for trade routes
What India was to the British Empire -
provided raw materials, large populations
good for markets
“Jewel in the Crown”
Mass atrocities and death for rubber
King Leopold II in Congo
When imperialism occurs, what are
the colonies designed to do?
Provide raw materials to make the mother
countries rich, serve as markets for the
mother countries
How did Industrialization impact
Need resources and raw materials for
How did the construction of the Suez canal give
Europeans influence in Egypt?
The fastest and most direct trade
route for Europe to Asia
Muslim and Hindu soldier who fought for the British
Conference to divide Africa amongst the European powers
Berlin Conference
Using resources from a colony to
manufacture goods and then selling those
goods back to the colony
What is mercantilism?
Military efforts of the Zulu tribe to unite
African tribes (some not all) to fight
against British colonial expansion
Zulu Resistance
I hate this
What caused the Sepoy Rebellion?
Religious beliefs - thought they were consuming pig and cow fat
British and Boers (descendants of Dutch
farmers in South Africa) fight over control
of South Africa
Boer War