Scenario: Someone sees a wallet left on a bench in a park.
Question: What should the person do with the wallet?

They should take the wallet to the nearest lost and found or hand it over to a police officer.


Scenario: A student sees another student taking money from a classmate's backpack.
Question: What should the student do?

The student should report the incident to a teacher or school authority immediately.


Scenario: A neighbor notices unusual activity at a house that has been vacant for months.
Question: What action should the neighbor take?

The neighbor should call the local police non-emergency number to report the suspicious activity and provide details about what they have observed.


Scenario: An employee discovers that their coworker is embezzling funds from the company.
Question: What steps should the employee take upon discovering the crime?

The employee should gather any evidence they can legally obtain, document their findings, and report the situation to their supervisor or the company's human resources department.


Scenario: A journalist uncovers a large-scale fraud operation involving multiple high-level executives in several companies.
Question: What actions should the journalist take to ensure their safety and the integrity of their findings?

The journalist should verify the information through multiple reliable sources, document all findings meticulously, and contact legal counsel to understand the implications and protections. They should also consider informing the authorities and coordinating with their news organization on how to responsibly publish the information.