Key Skills
Key Skills
Global, National, Personal and Local
Global, National, Personal and Local
  1. Which of the following statements contains a value judgment?
    • A) The Amazon Rainforest covers approximately 5.5 million square kilometers.
    • B) Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are better for the environment than fossil fuels.
    • C) The capital of Japan is Tokyo.
    • D) Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level.


i Written Communication

ii Verbal Communication

iii Non-verbal Communication

___ A. The exchange of information or ideas through written words or text.

___ B. The act of speaking or expressing ideas and information through words.

___ C. The use of body language, facial expressions, or gestures to convey meaning.

Answer Key:
a) i. A, ii. B, iii. C


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

The impact of a global pandemic on economies around the world.
Perspective: _____________

 Perspective: Global (G) Explain why?


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

The government policies regarding healthcare in your country.
Perspective: _____________

Perspective: National (N) Explain why?


Why is it important for Grade 7 students to understand global perspectives when discussing global issues?

It is important for Grade 7 students to understand global perspectives when discussing global issues because it helps develop their global citizenship, promotes cultural understanding, and enables them to contribute to finding solutions on a global scale.


What must students do before the teacher enters the class? 

Students must be seated and silent before the teacher enters the classroom

  1. Which of the following statements best illustrates a vested interest?
    • A) A teacher advocates for smaller class sizes to improve student learning outcomes.
    • B) A company executive promotes a new product that their company manufactures.
    • C) A historian writes a book about the impact of the Industrial Revolution on modern society.
    • D) A doctor recommends regular exercise to maintain good health.



Research Skills:
a) Arrange the following steps of the research process in the correct order:
___ A. Evaluate and synthesize information.
___ B. Define the research question or topic.
___ C. Collect relevant data and sources.
___ D. Analyze and interpret gathered information.
___ E. Plan and organize the research approach.
___ F. Communicate the research findings.

Answer Key:
a) B, E, C, D, A, F


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

The local community's efforts to address climate change through recycling programs.
Perspective: _____________

Perspective: Local (L) Explain why?


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

 Your own thoughts and feelings about the importance of gender equality.
Perspective: _____________

Perspective: Personal (P) Explain why?


How can the history and values of a country shape its national perspective?

The history and values of a country shape its national perspective by influencing its cultural identity and societal norms. Understanding a country's history helps students grasp its unique context and perspectives on various issues.


What must students avoid doing in our Global Perspectives lessons?

Avoid plagiarism or cheating in any form, and give appropriate credit to sources when using external information.

  1. Read the following statements and identify which one contains a generalization:

    • A) "Studies show that regular exercise can improve mental health and reduce stress levels."
    • B) "Teenagers today are always glued to their smartphones and don't know how to communicate face-to-face."
    • C) "The population of urban areas has increased by 10% over the last decade."
    • D) "The novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' was published in 1960 and addresses themes of racial injustice."



 Which of the following examples demonstrate effective collaboration skills in a group project:
i. Listening to others' ideas attentively
ii. Taking credit for others' work
iii. Respecting and valuing diverse perspectives
iv. Fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere
v. Assigning all tasks to one person

i. Listening to others' ideas attentively, iii. Respecting and valuing diverse perspectives, iv. Fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

The worldwide collaborative effort to combat climate change through international agreements.
Perspective: _____________

 Perspective: Global (G) Explain why?


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

The city-wide initiatives to reduce air pollution and promote sustainable transportation.
Perspective: _____________

 Perspective: Local (L) Explain why?


How might personal experiences and beliefs shape an individual's perspective on global issues?

Personal experiences and beliefs shape an individual's perspective on global issues by influencing their values, biases, and positions on specific topics. Sharing personal experiences allows students to engage in respectful discussions around diverse perspectives.


What do we mean by open-mindedness?

be open to new ideas, viewpoints, cultures, and perspectives. Embrace diversity and understand that everyone has unique experiences and knowledge to share.


Match the following ethical behaviors with their definitions: i Integrity, ii Respect and iii Responsibility 

i. ___ A. Being honest and having strong moral principles.
ii.  ___ B. Treating oneself and others with dignity, fairness, and consideration.
iii.  ___ C. Taking ownership of one's own actions and their consequences.

 i. A, ii. B, iii. C


Imagine you read an article about deforestation in a rainforest. What are some possible consequences of deforestation for the environment and local communities?

Some possible consequences of deforestation include loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, climate change, and displacement of indigenous communities.


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

The influence of family traditions and cultural beliefs on your personal values.
Perspective: _____________

Perspective: Personal (P) Explain why?


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

The impact of economic globalization on job opportunities in your country.
Perspective: _____________

Perspective: National (N) Explain why?


How does understanding the local perspective help Grade 7 students make a positive impact in their communities?

Understanding the local perspective helps Grade 7 students make a positive impact in their communities by enabling them to identify and address specific needs, collaborate with local stakeholders, and develop targeted solutions for local challenges.


Why is critical thinking important in GP and what does it mean? 

Individuals can evaluate information objectively, consider multiple perspectives, and analyze complex situations more effectively. It enables them to identify underlying assumptions, uncover biases, and assess the credibility and relevance of data and evidence.

Develop and express your thoughts in a clear, logical, and respectful manner. Analyze information critically, ask questions, and challenge assumptions to enhance your understanding.


As a global citizen, what are some ways you can effectively communicate with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds?

Some ways to effectively communicate with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds include active listening, using clear and respectful language, being open-minded, and considering non-verbal cues. 


Think about a recent global event or issue that you learned about. How did it challenge or change your understanding of the world and your place in it?

Answers will vary depending on the specific global event or issue and the student's reflection on how it challenged or changed their understanding.


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

The actions taken by your school to promote diversity and inclusion among students.
Perspective: _____________

 Perspective: Local (L) Explain why?


Read each statement carefully and identify the perspective being described as global (G), national (N), local (L), or personal (P).

The universal response to humanitarian crises, such as providing aid and support to affected regions.
Perspective: _____________

Perspective: Global (G) Explain why?


What are some ways Grade 7 students can actively engage with global perspectives outside the classroom?

Grade 7 students can actively engage with global perspectives outside the classroom by participating in cultural exchange programs, joining global awareness clubs, following international news, volunteering for global causes, and connecting with students from different countries through safe online platforms.


What is academic integrity in the GP classroom?

Maintain honesty and integrity in all academic matters. Avoid plagiarism or cheating in any form, and give appropriate credit to sources when using external information.