Science & Technology
Historical Figures
Turning Points

This Industrial Age advancement in transportation technology made it much easier to transport natural resources from the interior of continents to the coast, for faster and cheaper shipping.  

What are railroads?


The drive for natural resources around the 19th century ushered in this "Age" of world history, during which at least 25% of the world's people and land came under the control of European countries.

What is the Age of New Imperialism?


English philosopher John Locke, along with these three philosophes of France, were the most significant thinkers of the "Age of Reason"... also known as the Enlightenment.

Who were Montesquie, Voltaire, and Rousseau?


This new type of weapon - used by the United States to end WWII in the Pacific - ushered in the Cold War... a period of prolonged tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

What is the atomic bomb? or What is nuclear weapons?


Without these three "factors of production," it would be impossible to produce goods and services.

What are land, labor, and capital?


This rebellion in imperial India broke out because of the new "Enfield Rifle"... Rumor had spread among the Indian soldiers (employed by the British East India Company) that the lubrication cartridges, which they had to bite open, contained pig and cow lard, which was prohibited by both the Muslim and Hindu religions.

What is the Sepoy Mutiny?


Established after Japan's loss in WWII, this latitude line denotes the division between North and South Korea.

What is the 38th parallel?


This Cuban communist played a key role in the military overthrow (coup d'etat) of Fulgencia Batista and became the country's first communist leader after the Revolution of 1959.

Who was Fidel Castro?


This period in Japanese history marked the end of feudalism (under the Tokugawa Shogunate) and the beginning of a new age of industrialization and modernization in Japan.

What is the Meiji Era or the Meiji Restoration?


In a command economy, the entity that makes all decisions regarding production, distribution, and pricing of goods and services.

What is the government?


The mechanization of production in the Industrial Age led to the creation of these types of buildings.

What are factories?


This region, known as the "powder keg of Europe" in the years preceding WWI, was temporarily unified into the country of Yugoslavia.  Decades later, Slobodan Milosevic perpetrated human rights violations in this region as Yugoslavia was breaking apart.

What is the Balkan Region?


Proponent of "realpolitik" and the use of "blood and iron" to achieve his goals, this historical figure played a crucial role in the unification of Germany.

Who was Otto von Bismarck? (OVB!!)


This successful political revolution of 1917 led to the creation of the world's FIRST ever Communist nation.

What was the Russian Revolution?


According to Adam Smith's writings in The Wealth of Nations, governments should follow this type of policy to encourage economic growth and prosperity.

What is laissez faire capitalism?


This advancement drastically changed the course of warfare in WWI.  Although masks soon rendered it less effective as a weapon of war, that didn't stop Hitler from applying it to help carry out his "Final Solution" to "the Jewish question".

What is poison gas?


This man-made waterway, built to connect the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea/Indian Ocean, became the subject of an international "Crisis" in the 1950s after Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser seized control of it from the British.

What is the Suez Canal?


He became the first president of Russia after the resignation of Mikhail Gorbachev and the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Who was Boris Yeltsin?


This revolution - starting in 1910 and led by such figures as Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa - resulted in the overthrow of Porfirio Diaz, a new constitution, and land reform which took power away from the caudillos.

What is the Mexican Revolution?


These domestic policies were implemented to increase industrial and agricultural output in the Soviet Union under Stalin and in Communist China under Mao Zedong, respectively.

What are the Five Year Plans and the Great Leap Forward?


This device, created by a French doctor in the late 1700s, was used by Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety" to swiftly execute all those deemed "enemies of the Revolution" (and soon enough, Robespierre himself was executed for his "Reign of Terror").

What is the guillotine?


This peninsula in the Black Sea ("the bean!") led to territorial conflict between Russia and the Ottoman Empire in 1853-56.  Although the Ottomans were victorious, it was only because of British and French support... this conflict revealed the military weaknesses of the "sick man of Europe." 

What is the Crimean Peninsula?


This ruler of Communist China made the decision to suppress the 1989 pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square with military force.  

Who was Deng Xiaoping?


This 1939 event led to the outbreak of WWII in Europe, whereas this 1941 event led to the outbreak of WWII in the Pacific (and US entry into the war)...

What are Hitler's invasion of Poland and Japan's attack of Pearl Harbor?


This modern-day environmental problem has resulted from the unsustainable overuse and clearing of land for agriculture, ranching, and logging for timber.  

What is deforestation?