International/Expatriation Assignments
Success Factors
Culture Shock
What is expatriation?
The physical relocation of managers and/or employees to foreign locations.
How long does it normally take expatriates to begin to perform at the same level as in the domestic operation?
3-6 Months
What is culture shock?

“a state of disorientation and anxiety about not knowing how to behave in an unfamiliar culture”

Name at least 3 challenges that corporations face when managing expatriates.
Finding suitable candidates for assignments, finding proper career locations for different assignments, dual career couples, reduced compensation packages, retention of employees, training and evaluation of expatriates, and helping expatriates and their families with relocation and assignments
Name three types of alternative international assignments.
Short term assignments, graduate programs with rotations, international business traveler, commuter assignment, rotational assignments, permanent transfer, in patriates, flexpatriate
What are the 3 types of capital of successful expatriates?
- Intellectual Capital

- Psychological Capital

- Social Capital

What are the 4 stages of culture shock? 

1. Honeymoon

2. Irritation and Hostility

3. Gradual Adjustment 

4. Biculturalism 

What is expatriation failure?
The premature return from an international assignment
What is the difference between a flexpatriate and an inpatriate?
A flexpatriate travels to another country for brief assignments. An inpatriate transfers to the firm's headquarters, usually permanently.
Name 3 of the 5 Success Categories of Global Talent Management? 
- Job Factors

- Relational Dimensions

- Motivational State

- Family Situation

- Language Skills


What does the "Gradual Adjustment" stage of an expatriate's culture shock entail?

A period of recovery, the “patient” gradually becomes able to understand and predict patterns of behavior, use the language, and deal with daily activities

The family also begins to accept their new life.

What are 2 challenges that management faces when appraising an expatriate's performance?
1. Communication gap between the home and the office

2. Home location managers may lack international experience

What is the main tax residency issue in Europe?
If an assignment exceeds 6 months, the employee cannot receive tax residency or social security.
What are the main differences between being an expatriate in the US vs China?
- In the US, extroversion and resistance to stress are the most important qualities to expatriation.

- In China, performance management, training, organizational support, and willingness to relocate are the most important qualities to expatriation.

What tactics can help reduce culture shock and how do they help reduce it? 
Cross-Cultural Training helps reduce culture shock. It helps reduce misunderstandings by allowing the expatriate to learn the necessary content and skills that will strengthen their interactions with host-country individuals.

Cross-Cultural Training also reduce prevent innapropiate behaviors. 

What are some negative career implications of repatriation?
Missed opportunities while being abroad, finding a new position that fits the new skills gained while being abroad, lack of positions with authority, and misleading promises of promotion