unresolved conflict 1914-1945
in-between wars
political revolutions
world tensions

Gas, artillery, machine guns, and trenches are examples of what?

Equipment utilized by soldiers in WWI


German Confederation

38 independent German states


Germany in the 1930's & Rise of the Nazis

The Great Depression led to economic devastation that allowed people to follow Hitler.


Maximilien Robespierre

Revolutionary leader who tried to wipe out every trace of France's past monarchy and nobility


end of the Cold War (1991)

Marked by the fall of the Soviet Union which was the result of Eastern European countries gaining independence, Gorbachev's reform policies, and a series of nuclear limitation treaties.


What was a direct result of the new technology used in WWI?

New technology made warfare more destructive


Otto Von Bismark

Germany's chancellor. He was successful in unifying Germany. He wanted to make sure he est. alliances to keep the peace in Europe, so he started making alliances w/ other countries, which led to war. He felt France was the biggest threat, so aimed to isolate France. Formed "dual alliance" w/ Austria-Hungary. 13 yrs. later Italy joins the alliance to form the "triple alliance". In 1887, Germany forms a separate alliance with Russia


Italy in the 1930s: Benito Mussolini's dictatorship.

He has often been overlooked in history but he was idealised by many fascists, including Hitler himself. Mussolini's rise to power can be attributed to two main features, Mussolini's talent in journalism and his recognition of the importance of the media and sheer force of personality


Committee of Public Safety

Powerful group, led by Robespierre, set up to defeat all enemies of the revolution.


Congress Party of India

Hindu-majority national party of India.


What is the long-term historical circumstances about Romanov's  Old Regime in Russia?

Autocratic Rule of Russian Royalty rejected liberal and Democratic ideas though secret police and censorship


Blood and Iron

"Blood and Iron" was the speech that Otto Von Bismarck gave with the belief that a strong industry and military was needed in a country to have success. The blood represented the military while the iron represented the industry of Germany.


mein kempf - Hitler

book written by Hitler; set forth his beliefs and his goals for Germany; asserted "Aryans" were superior race and "non-Aryans" were inferior; promised to get living space by conquering eastern Europe and Russia


Reign of Terror

This was the period in France where Robespierre ruled and used revolutionary terror to solidify the home front. He tried rebels and they were all judged severely and most were executed.


Muslim League (1906)

an organization formed in 1906 to protect the interests of India's Muslims, which later proposed that India be divided into separate Muslim and Hindu nations


Why was WWI considered a Modern War?

Technology made combat more deadly



(v.) To add to, attach: to incorporate;(n.) An attachment or addition



Concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves


Olympe de Gouges

French journalist who demanded equal rights for women.


Partition of India

This led to the movement of millions of people in South Asia after India got its independence from Britian.


What event ending the cooperation between Germany and the Soviet Union in 1939?

Germany’s invasion of Soviet Territory



Emperor of Germany


Amirstar Massacre

British troops fired into a crowd of Indians


Napoleon Bonaparte

Overthrew the French revolutionary government (The Directory) in 1799 and became emperor of France in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.


Jawaharlal Nehru

Indian statesman. He succeeded Mohandas K. Gandhi as leader of the Indian National Congress. He negotiated the end of British colonial rule in India and became India's first prime minister (1947-1964).