What gasses trap the sun's heat?
greenhouse gasses
These regions of the Earth that are experiencing the most dramatic changes due to climate change.
the arctic
What is climate change?
a change in global or regional climate patterns
What process naturally removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The dying out or disappearance of a species from Earth.
What is extinction?
As the temperature of the planet increases, ice trapped on land begins to melt, and causes...
What is rising sea levels?
Which two green house gases contribute the most to global warming?
Carbon dioxide and Methane
Which country is presently emitting the most CO2?
The activity of picking and collecting crops or plants.
What is harvesting?
large storms with strong winds and heavy rain that form over warm ocean water. They can cause flooding and damage to buildings and roads.
What is a hurricane?
animals do this when leave their home to move to another place for a period of time in search of food, warmer conditions or a place to shelter and breed.
What is migrate?
How do green house gases cause the Earth's temperature to rise?
They absorb the sun's radiation and trap heat
These are three types of greenhouse gases.
What are carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone?
What would be Earth's temperature without green house gases?
Earth's temperatures would be cold, oceans would freeze
All of the radiation from the sun is absorbed by the Earth.
True or False
What is the greenhouse effect?
Certain gasses in the atmosphere trap heat and warm the Earth
The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and rearing of animals to provide food and other products.
What is agriculture?
This uncontrolled fire spreads rapidly, often igniting in forests, grasslands, or other dry areas. It can be fueled by high winds and dry conditions, and is a frequent threat in places like California and Australia.
How can global warming cause sea levels to rise?
Melting glaciers and ice caps
a snowstorm with strong winds that make it hard to see. It can make roads dangerous and make travel very difficult.
What is a blizzard?
water that falls from the sky, like rain, snow, sleet, or hail. It happens when water in clouds gets too heavy and falls to the ground. If it’s cold, it might be snow instead of rain.
What is precipitation?
What do we call the act in cutting down trees and other shrubbery.
ground that stays frozen for at least two years. The top layer may thaw in the summer and freeze again in the winter, but deeper layers stay frozen all year. It’s found in very cold places like the Arctic and northern Canada.
What is permafrost?
spinning column of air that reaches from the clouds to the ground. It can be very dangerous, blowing away trees, cars, and buildings.
What is a tornado?
a large fire that spreads quickly through forests or grasslands. It can start from lightning or human activities.
What is a wildfire?